• 2024,  Astrology Charts

    March 2024

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month it is your birthday, and the Sun enters Aries in the last week of March.   The bigger effect on you will be in April, but for now, not much is planned.  Just be mindful of your actions, be friendly and of good will, and all will go well.  Mercury is blessing you with good intelligence.  You do not need an astrology presentation for that.  Your practice is always more important and protects you from all situations.  That is the meaning of taking refuge in the 3 Jewels.  Study your path this month. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month you can…

  • 2024,  Astrology Charts

    February 2024

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month you are empty of planets, but you have a huge boost from Aquarius.  There are four planets there now all well aspected to Aries.  So, do anything you wish to and know astrology is on your side.  Granted, astrology is only an influence, and you still must exercise wisdom and compassion in your decisions.  Remember, as a Buddhist, our awareness, wisdom, and compassion are the real creators of our experience of life, everything else is just an influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month do as you please with a good motivation to benefit all. TAURUS (April 20 May 20)…

  • 2024,  Astrology Charts

    January 2024

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month things are fairly calm as no planets are in your sign.  There is a tendency to be romantically inclined as the month starts.  Venus, Mars and Mercury help you have those feelings.  Basically have fun, you have an astrological holiday from intensity, so be full of love and inspiration. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month you have an astrological holiday from influences, so motivate positively and let life unfold. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month is good for activity.  The reason is Jupiter and Uranus are in your Sun sign.  If you are thoughtful then life will be insightful. …

  • Astrology Charts,  November

    November 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month of November has Venus coming in opposition to Aries.  Venus is the astrological stimulation to sensuality.  That is form and color, sound, smell, taste and sensation.  This will stimulate desires in an Aries person.  Therefore, it is important to have a good sense of ethics and altruism.  The ethics protects you from doing this harmful to others and the altruism inspires the sensuality to strive for higher goals.  It is a good aspect if you are mindful not to chase meaningless desires. Aries Buddhists are motivators.  This month Vajrasattva meditations would be beneficial.  Heruka Vajrasattva and Consort are a manifestation of an…

  • 2024,  Astrology Charts

    June 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are indirectly blessed with planets in other areas.  The first two weeks of June will have the Sun and Mercury well aspected to Aries, improving personal energy and then your intellect.  Mercury is moving forward fast, so your mind will be active.  Good mindfulness and wisdom will assist you in anything you do with this beneficial aspect.  Be positive for the first weeks and then study and share your wisdom in the last two weeks.  Interesting time.  Keep your eyes and mind open for new growth. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  If you think of yourself as too independent, you…

  • 2023,  May

    May 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Jupiter transits nicely in Aries and with a good aspect to Venus.  Just be a little careful as Mars is square to Jupiter and that could make you rash or impulsive.  Do not chase desires.  Remember, astrology is only an influence, and it manifests dependent on the current attitude and circumstances of your life.  Therefore, whatever you might have as an issue at this time may surface strongly.  In positive terms this transit could motivate you constructively.  The important question is, “Are you aware of yourself and your personal intensity?”   If you filter your feelings with wisdom and compassion, then things should be fine.…

  • 2023,  April,  Uncategorized

    April 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month things shift quite a bit.  First off it is your birthday!  Celebrate by phoning your mother and thanking her for the rebirth.  Even if you don’t get along with your mother, she still gave you the opportunity to meet the Dharma and work on your issues.  The month starts with the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Aries, so be prepared for an energetic first week.  Remember, Jupiter causes exciting events to unfold.  Actually, it just makes you more enthusiastic to events, so be mindful moment to moment and know this is samsara.  Samsara is unpredictable, Buddha said so! Aries Buddhists love to…

  • March

    March 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is your birthday month.  Don’t forget to thank your mother and father for giving you this rebirth.  Even if they were not there for you all the time, still they gave you an opportunity to work out your bad karma and accumulate good karma.  This month Jupiter and Venus are together and moving nicely through Aries.  That is enthusiastic love and affection.  Shortly after Mercury and the Sun will enter your sign.  So enjoy a lot of energy, love and intelligence this month.  We do not always have the ‘stars’ on our side, so do things the are positive and beneficial. Aries…

  • January

    January 2023

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Jupiter is moving forward in Aries and so stimulating you to new horizons.  At the start of the month go slowly as Jupiter is squared by the Sun.  As you move towards the end of month things will lighten up and other than maybe feeling a bit heavy with wintertime all will be good.  When I say go slowly in the first week, I mean don’t be jumpy or agitated by the unexpected.  Be mindful and of good cheer. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month do as I suggest above.  Of course, you should always be mindful and of good…

  • November

    November 2022

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month of November is quiet.  The month starts with not much supporting you.  Saturn and Mars are well positioned in other signs, which might help you with meditation in action.  Later in the month you have more energetic help from Venus, Mercury and the Sun.  All in all, enjoy a good month from the perspective of astrology. Aries Buddhists are motivators.  This month Karma Yoga would be beneficial.  The aspects are distant but helpful for any activities you pursue.  Any project that requires a wisdom and ability is suitable during the whole month. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) Are you feeling split between…