• 2016,  Astrology Charts

    November 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month has a nice blessing from Saturn, Venus and Mercury.  Uranus is in Aries for some years to come and right now is running well aspected to Saturn.  That can make your meditations more profound as Saturn is a good influence for Buddhists.  Place confidence in your positive beliefs and this aspect will help you.  In the first ten days there may be an issue with aggression.  Mars is conjunct Pluto and will be square Uranus.  That tends to make you intense if things don’t go according to your expectations.  Slow down, think about what you wish to do and make sure it…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    October 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury all opposite your Sun sign.  That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled.  Jupiter’s influence makes you agitated and Mercury could cause you to have doubts.  As Aries likes to be active and motivated I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions.  The month could be full of activities that lack focus and therefore are not fulfilling or satisfying.   Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month slow down and review your motives.  Contemplate on meaningful actions and practice mindfulness when distraction arises.   TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month has the…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    September 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month there is lots of energy with Uranus transiting Aries.  This will bring a direct opposition to the Venus in the last 12 days of September.  This aspect will be emotionally stimulating but be mindful of your desires.   You could feel intensely passionate or have a sudden craving.  So be extra mindful at that time and pick positive things to desire.  For practitioners of tantra it is a good time to harness these energies. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month your feelings are strong.  Dedicate them to some positive activity so you use the energy in a constructive manner. TAURUS (April…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    June 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are indirectly blessed with planets in other areas.  Uranus sits quietly in Aries and is free of the square it had with Pluto for many months.   That means mood and temperament will improve.  The last two weeks of June will have the Sun and then Mercury well aspected to Uranus, improving personal energy and then your intellect.  Be positive as usual for the first weeks and then study and share your wisdom in the last two weeks.  Very interesting time.  Keep your eyes and mind open for new growth. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  If you think of yourself as…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    May 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are definitely finishing the Pluto Uranus square. It has been effecting you for a few years but since April, Uranus has moved forward enough to diminish the negative effects. You should feel an improvement in health and temperament.   Therefore, start motivating with more energy to accomplish positive actions.  The past years you could have felt grumpy but that is finished, now do something beneficial to those around you. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  Do more meditation on active compassion.  It is the time to do something constructive. The springtime is here and it is the time to plant positive seeds.…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    April 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month is powerful with spring energy and your birthday.  Think about honoring your parents this birthday instead of expecting presents from them.  They gave you a body, so say thank you to them for the rebirth you currently enjoy.  As for planetary influences, you are feeling empowered this month, just be careful around April 3rd through 12th as Pluto squares your Sun.  That means being too intense about things.  Slow down and enjoy the spring flowers. Aries Buddhists are motivators.  This month you are definitely inspired.  Just be careful of being pushy instead of inspirational.  Moisturize your actions with compassion.  This always takes…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    March 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is well aspected with Saturn.  That is a good aspect for executive decisions because Saturn adds strength to Uranus’s spontaneity. Be careful of being grumpy though if you don’t get your way.  Reason is Pluto is square and that can stimulate a grumpy attitude if you feel frustrated. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month you can make powerful decision, just be careful of being too intense about your desires. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month you have the Sun, Neptune and then Venus and Mercury stimulating you.  These are all secondary influences as these planets are moving through…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    February 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is in Aries.  Therefore, I would be open minded for new and different things to happen.  Uranus is always a stimulating planet and if one has a rigid attitude then Uranus can be disruptive.   If one is open to change, then Uranus is a blessing as it stimulates totally new perspectives on existing situations.  This month is not good as Mercury, Venus and Pluto all square Uranus.  Therefore, be extra mindful of rash ideas or desires.   Patience is a good virtue but it needs situations like this to develop its qualities. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month mindfulness is…

  • 2016,  Astrology Charts

    January 2016

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is moving forward in Aries and so stimulating you to new horizons.  At the start of the month go slowly as Uranus is squared by the Sun and Pluto.  As you move towards the end of month things will lighten up and other than maybe feeling a bit grumpy or sad with wintertime blues, all will be good.  When I say go slowly in the first week I mean don’t be jumpy or agitated by the unexpected.  Be mindful and of good cheer.  At the end of the month lighten up with one of those light stimulators you can buy on…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    December 2015

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Mercury and Pluto are square your Sun sign adding to the opposition of Uranus in Aries to Mars in Libra.  This is an interesting aspect as it increases energy, thought and feelings.  A sense of powerful profound thought may pervade you.  Just be careful of being distracted if you focus on the negative things in life.  If you lose mindfulness there is a strong possibility of mental confusion.  The best way to protect yourself is to be familiar with quietude meditations where you can invoke a sense of peace when you feel confusion arising. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month…