October 2021
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun, Mars and Mercury all opposite your Sun sign. That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled. Mars’s influence makes you agitated and Mercury could cause you to have doubts. As Aries likes to be active and motivated, I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions. The month could be full of activities that lack focus and therefore are not fulfilling or satisfying. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month slow down and review your motives. Contemplate on meaningful actions and practice mindfulness when distraction arises. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month has the feeling…
September 2021
Buddhist Astrology September ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month starts slowly but with a lot of thoughts. Reason is Mercury will be opposite all month and that stimulates your communication skills and intellect. The last two weeks has Mars and the Sun conjunct to give you a big boost of energy. So think about what is good to accomplish in the first two weeks and dedicate yourself to that positive action in the last two weeks. You have the energy, use it well. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month practice the basics of meditation: mindfulness and awareness. Whether its astrology or a situation at work, it…
May 2021
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is a quiet time. There are 10 planets in our solar system to consider but for Aries all are at odd angles and so just slightly distracting. Jupiter does support Aries from a distance and so doing things with the support of others would be a good idea. Just be clear minded and do whatever seems right and there should be no problem. Remember, as a Buddhist our awareness, wisdom and compassion are the real creators of our life. All else is just an influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. For this month just double check your motivation. Does it benefit…
April 2021
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month is powerful with spring energy and your birthday. Think about honoring your parents this birthday instead of expecting presents from them. They gave you a body, so say thank you to them for the rebirth you currently enjoy. As for planetary influences, the Sun, and Venus start the month by inspiring you. That means love, affection and pleasure are on your side. The downside is Pluto will square both just after the first week. You many feel strong mood swings during this time. If you enjoy passion, it will be a good transit, if you wish to be peaceful, do more quietude…
February 2021
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month you are empty of planets, but you have a huge boost from Aquarius. There are five planets there now all well aspected to Aries. So, do anything you wish to and know astrology is on your side. Granted, astrology is only an influence and you still must exercise wisdom and compassion in your decisions. Remember, as a Buddhist, our awareness, wisdom, and compassion are the real creators of our experience of life, everything else is just an influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month do as you please with a good motivation to benefit all. TAURUS (April 20 May 20)…
January 2021
Welcome to 2021. I am posting the astrology early so you have a chance to prepare for the new year. That is important. Using unique times like a new year, a birthday or a special event to motivate positively, help make your actions more powerful. I wish you all a wondeful new Year. At the end of the post of the month of January, 2021, I will post some practices you can do to purify the past and move into the future with a clean state of mind. Enjoy Jhampa Shaneman ARIES (March 21 – April 19) We are starting a new year. It is a good time to resolve…
December 2020
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month has an interesting mix of passion and confusion. Mars is in Aries right now is running square to Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn. That can mean rash emotional expression. Be careful of exaggerating your desires and feelings into something that is inappropriate. In the last ten days the issue is confusion. Pluto strongly square Mars. This can mean rash emotional decisions. Slow down, think about what you wish to do and make sure it causes no harm to others. There is a small possibility your health could be upset during this time. Astrology does not cause illness but if you have some seeds…
November 2020
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you have Mars in Aries and only with one event, an opposition to Venus. It will only happen in the last ten days of November. Therefore, this month meditate and contemplate more on the meaning of the Dharma and the significance of your life. You have good energy (Mars) and the aspect of Venus can stimulate an expressive love for all. A good question to ask is, “What legacy am I leaving behind me?” This helps organize your intentions for the future. Do not chase after desires, which could happen, rather be satisfied with your life and express generosity and affection. That…
October 2020
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun opposite Mars Aries with a square to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled. This is even stronger for you because Mars is retrograding in Aries, so expect the unexpected. What can help is Saturn’s assistance in contemplative meditations. As Aries likes to be active and motivated, I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions. The month could be full of activities that lack focus if you act without forethought. Best would be to postpone big projects and just tidy things up for the winter. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.…
September 2020
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month I would be careful. You have Saturn and Pluto Squaring Mars in the first weeks of September. Then Mars will go retrograde and be even more square Saturn and Pluto plus an opposition to Mercury. This is not the end of the world. Whatever your current situation is, these influences are adding to it. Go slowly, do not be frustrated if contracts and negotiations take a long time. There are two factors, one is the situation itself, which is not astrology, and then there is the influences on you, which are both your awareness, wisdom, and compassion, plus a push from astrology. …