2017,  Astrology Charts

September 2017

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month Uranus is moving backwards in your sign.  That can mean things seem confusing to you.  There is a beneficial aspect with Mars and Mercury which increases personal power and intelligence but when mixed with Uranus’s retrograding movement you must be careful of misunderstanding things.  This will increase in the last ten days of September as Jupiter will be opposite to Uranus.  The sum total of these effects can make you feel scattered but energetic to solve the problems before you.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month practice the basics of meditation: awareness, wisdom and compassion.  Whether its astrology or a situation at work, it is all equally managed if you have these mindful qualities in daily activity.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month should be quite wonderful for you.  The Sun sits well aspected to Taurus for the first weeks of the month.  Therefore, focus on positive meditations like Bodhicitta, love and compassion.  The reason is you have good energy and so move it in positive directions with these beneficial intentions.  Mars and Mercury will come into aspect in the last weeks of September.  This simulates your intelligence and will power.  Thus improving your meditation capacity.

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month act with positive intentions.  Cultivate a strong beneficial intention each morning and let it spontaneously manifest throughout the day.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month you have no direct planetary influence.  The Sun. Mars and Mercury will square Gemini but this does not have to be problematic.  You also have Saturn opposite Gemini.  It is possible to derive benefit from those aspects.  Recognize that chasing desires is like drinking salt water.  It just makes you more and more thirsty.  These aspects are great for understanding that Samsara sucks.  If your mind has delusions, you will suffer.  If you have a clarity about what is important, you will not suffer.

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month slow down and contemplate in a constructive manner on the meaning of your life.  The motive should be more than just, “I want to be happy.”  Rather, “May we all have happiness and the causes of happiness.”

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month there are no planets in Cancer and so it is a good time to get ready for the winter months.  The month starts with Pluto, Neptune and the Sun well aspected to Gemini.  That means you have support from the distant planets.  Slow down a little now and be thoughtful of what you are doing.  The reason is Mercury and Mars will come into good aspects with Cancer in the last two weeks, increasing your abilities to meditate.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month be reflective and patient.  Patience is a wonderful virtue.  It comes from understanding that aggression is not the best way to resolve issues.  Go slowly and your goals will be attained.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month Mercury, Venus and Mars run in Leo so affection and willpower are readily available for you.  Sometimes astrologers put emphasis on the effects of planetary aspects to the exclusion of other factors.  But as Buddhists we put emphasis on motivation first.  If the motive is good then life is more manageable.  Nowadays there is substantial evidence that altruism bestows deep and long-lasting satisfaction for those who develop it.  Therefore, think about your motive and the positive effects will come naturally.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month use your mind in constructive contemplations on the nature of existence and that our motive creates our future, this life and the ones beyond that.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This is the birthday month and the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus are stimulating you.  It is a stimulation of fortitude, intelligence and enthusiasm.  Go slowly as you have ample capacity.  Going slowly ensures that actions and thoughts are done skillfully.   Don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth.  If they have passed away then do a meditation in deep appreciation of the rebirth they gave you.  The whole month is fused with great spirituality as all these 4 planets will run in opposition to Neptune.  Remember to start each day with a Bodhicitta inspiration.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month slow down and use the power of your diligence to help make good decisions.  Let activities unfold as time and space allows.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month you should be the embodiment of good  energy and self-confidence.  These feelings are strong all of the month as Jupiter and the Sun are in Libra.  As the month continues Uranus will move in a stronger aspect to Jupiter and then the Sun.  As a meditator, your wisdom can protect you from all unwanted stress.  Therefore, start the month with contemplativeness and conclude it with good actions.  As this is your birthday month, don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth.  If they have passed away then do a meditation in deep appreciation of the rebirth they gave you.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  Balance means harmony.  Therefore, know the middle point between activity and non-activity.  Balance for a Libra person manifests with sensitivity and grace.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you have no direct planetary influence.  Mercury, Venus and Mars will come positively positioned towards the end of the month and help you have self confidence in all your actions.  Make September a quiet and reflective month.  That is taking advantage of the beneficial stimulations available to help your Buddhist practice.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month slow down and enjoy the end of the summer.  See the cycles of the seasons as representative of the cycle of life.  There is a time for activity and a time for contemplation.  Now is the time to nurture yourself with the fruits of the summer’s activities.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month Saturn is completely in Sagittarius to help your meditation practice.  Saturn is well positioned in Sagittarius and it always flourishes if one meditates regularly.  This may help you deal with errant desires that agitate you.  Have a quiet September and be reflective of the actions of the past and what activities you might consider useful for the future.  The final ten days of September will be excellent as the Sun will come well aspected to Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month it is better to let your motivations be simple and uncomplicated.  You tend to get easily frustrated if you try to do too much.  Slow down and relax.  Frustration comes from inappropriate expectations.  A mind with few thoughts is often a mind with contentment.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month you have first the Sun and then Mercury and Mars giving Pluto lot of stimulation.  This will effect you during all of the month.  Be a little careful of pushing too hard to see something manifest.  There is a simple cause for this, it is the Mercury aspect pushing your thoughts to be moody and temperamental.  So, go slowly and initiate activities that are not demanding on your time and energy.  Patience is a virtue and this month you have time in the gymnasium of patience.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  Meditate and be mindfully aware of your interdependence with life, family and friends.  This is a good meditation as it generates appreciation of others and the decision to be a positive force in their lives.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month the Sun, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter will benefit you.  Basically Aquarius is empty of planets but these 4 planets are well positioned to your sign.  That means good circumstances may not be obvious but they are there.   Do positive actions and help others, you will discover they will help you in return.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month be positive in a harmonious way with all the people in your life.  Focus on being friendly and warm and you will attract a lot of good people into your life.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month is characterized by desire and agitation.  It is a good time to relax, enjoy the fall season and reflect on the activities of the summer.  Be quiet and mindful.  The reason to put emphasis on being peaceful is because first the Sun and then Mars, Mercury and Venus will agitate you.  Astrology is only an influence and your awareness and wisdom can remove the negative effects of these aspects.  Fantasies about creating a perfect situation could distract you, so remember this is samsara and it is hard to make it perfect.  The best perfection is an inner perfection.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month your sensitivity and intuition is agitated.  Better to slow down your external activities and increase meditation time on the mat.