Poetry of a yogi

Jhampa Shaneman

I wish I was a stick of incense
lit with the fire of awareness
aglow with the warmth of love
fragrance that releases fear
The hearts of all are just the same
we strive for love and purity
we wish to commune the essence of our lives
in open joy and purity.
Sometimes a person may light our heart
and a joyful fragrance spreads about
this happens mostly when we look
beyond the limits of our fear
Bliss needs such a special place
to grow and feel comfortable
its main obstacle is the fear
of opening up to ourselves
A pure heart in wisdom’s sphere
dwells in peace and ecstasy
the peace is from the purity
the ecstasy from loving kindness
I wish to lie in the bed
of peaceful joy and benefit
wrapped in the arms of wisdom’s sphere
and expressive of all benefit.
The dakini arises from retreat
her hair shines like the sunshine
she glides with graceful dignity
to meet the smiling yogi
So graceful is her peaceful nature
one is quickly freed of apprehension
her hand joins with the yogi’s hand
and to the temple, they proceed
There is a promise of sublime bliss
her face is radiant with her knowledge
she knows the realms of real worth
she moves with utter confidence
she glides the yogi to the temple
the best seats are available
no one makes any obstacle
seats before the high throne are their space
The teachings are about to start
the people have all gathered
a playful conversation will arise
while viewing the openness of the sky
Clarity of mind is the realm
where the blissful tryst will take place
the distracting thoughts of other things
have to be left far far behind
My heart feels joy and love abounds
The mind is grasped by deeper things
The very cells of the body
Respond with vibrant ecstasy.
The enemy is the loss of clarity
Mind moving on the mundane plain
Believing too strongly in the image
Not responding to the deeper things.
To live my life as a bodhisattva
To offer joy to those that hear
To hold all sentient beings in friendship
To loose the fear and insecurity.
The daily life is all just karma
One must watch it to ensure all joy
The ultimate mind is just that –
Completely open – beyond all thought.
The two are not in contrast
But dwell in perfect harmony
Like two lovers embraced in union
Although they’re two – they are as one.
The confidence of the lover
Has an incredible amount of power
The chakras open, the energy flows
To mix that feeling with the thought
Of universal benefit
Is not that Vajradhara and consort?
Pain in the heart from separation
is also part of mundane love
if no pain – then no love
the two are always intertwined.
Although we wish to have the one
we must accept the other too.
They come together – as a union
Be open and it feels fine.
A loving heart has many facets
it shines in all directions – illuminating all
the light is its wisdom awareness
the softness of its touch – its love.
Someone has awoken this within me
I value this person -she is so bright
One can’t hold onto such an inspiration
just rejoice that it has come about.
We all have infinite amounts of karma
we draw on them and we are always making new
so may I make some positive collection
to lead us both to that which is true.
All beings will die one day
our breath will stop – our mind move on
the only luggage I want to take
is going beyond to ecstasy.
The lightest ecstasy comes from within
its the radiant heart of altruism.
The mind is clear -the heart is strong
Oh yes, that is my ecstasy!
Confusion is my lack of trust
And knowing the best direction
I want to be a happy soul
But refuse to give up my control.
I’d love to be a god of joy
Bringing others to my realm
There is access to various types of power
But compassion is more powerful.
Is it possible to be in love
And also to expand the soul?
My mind says yes- my body no!
The body wants to have control.
They rhyme and meter is too simple
I want to learn a better way.
Today I’ll move in that direction
I hear the dakini is on her way.
Outside dakini and the inside one
Reflect and reflection are but one
Respect them both with all the heart
For they are both the source of one.
From the fires of determination
Arise ashes, heat and light
The ashes are the burnt delusions
The heat is love and clarity- the light.
On the fence of doubt sits the fool
The wise abandon such a place.
There is no right or wrong to fret
There is only the wish to benefit.
Abandon the discursive mind
Go to the heart – abide in peace
No rush to present the truth
Speak slowly and all manifests.
The Dakini is most brilliant
She illuminates and frees
I love that darling woman now
She cut through and made me free.
The Dakini abides in bliss
Abandoning the play of the mundane mind
And all the limitations imposed
upon an open hearted joy.
Bliss is far more satisfying
Unbridled by the mundane mind
This mind makes things seem fearful
This mind makes things uptight.
To dwell in bliss and voidness unified
The play of energy and mind
Sometimes it manifests so perfectly
In a form that reflects an ecstasy.
To free oneself of the mundane mind
And kiss the realm of reality
The caress the breast of love so dear
To dwell in soft repose so clear
The body thrills with just the thought
The mind abides in vividness
The images of the union – clear
Heruka and Yogini
To share a poem and a thought
To have a receptive audience
This is not so easy to find
It happens only with spontaneity
The yogi dances in his sphere
The Yogini in her own sweet realm
On occasion they get close
And fill the sky with ecstasy.
Unbridled thought is the source
Of this profound and blissful realm
How would anyone not wish
To dwell in such an ecstasy?
Invitations were sent out
The people were invited
The meal was so succulent
Smell and taste transcended all
Wishes for the best success
Were sent to those seeking this realm
Meditation on the clear light
Abandoned all that could obstruct
One has a few days to abide
In the clear realm of ecstasy
To commune with inner things
That have an image outside too.
To play and flirt about in space
Is the activity of the Yogini
She never forgets her inner strength
She abides in the realm of reality
Her dance is compassion aimed at all
Her heart knows this and feels secure
She never forgets her inner strength
She abides in the realm of reality
The yogi dances in his sphere
Self confident of his joy
Feelings of love that were sent
Rain lightly upon her soul.
The two have union at all times
For their play is with reality
The outer form is a precious thing
Reminding each of inner joy.
Composed for the liberated Yogini
By the yogi as he entered a retreat.
A reply in similar form was sought.
Arising from her ecstasy!
The dakini of wisdom abides within
She has such a presence, not based on a whim
The thrill of her scent and that of her touch
Is happiness – having none akin
The real daka abides within
He has such a presence, not based on a whim
The thrill of his scent and that of his touch
Is happiness – having none akin
Her fire blazes up inside
The mind feels so inspired at her side
She graces all action with spontaneity
She dwells – smiling – in reality
His fire blazes up inside
The mind feels so inspired at his side
He graces all action with spontaneity
He dwells – smiling – in reality
I thought I saw her outside me
It was a mere shadow of duality
Although heartfelt respect that one
My own dakini has now won
I thought I saw him outside me
It was a mere shadow of duality
Although heartfelt respect that one
My own daka has now won
I am a yogi of reality
The judgmental mind has split me
I was torn by my deluded view
It’s not outside – not inside too!
I am a yogini of reality
The judgmental mind has split me
I was torn by my deluded view
It’s not outside – not inside too!
The play of all realms unites as one
The dance is where resides the fun
Inside out and outside in
The real game has now begun
All realms dance to the sound
And the rhythm of the beating drum
The inside harmony has come
And reflects itself with no duality
Come dakini of my heart
Come dance upon my consciousness
The dance is graceful – the dance is fun
The ultimate dakini has now really won
Come daka of my heart
Come dance upon my consciousness
The dance is graceful – the dance is fun
The ultimate daka has now really won
Her play is freedom – it is the view
Her body cannot be made two
It moves so gracefully and true
Bestowing bliss on everyone
His play is freedom – it is the view
His body cannot be made two
It moves so gracefully and true
Bestowing bliss on everyone
All movements are in harmony
The actions totally free
The steps are smooth – the actions done
To awaken those who can be one
Both verses come together here
Because the mind must be just one
It’s not an action in duality
Its peace, beauty and perfect harmony
Mind craves for unity
An experience that sets it free
If dwelling on the mundane side
It looses all its clarity
Consummation craves for unity
Oh where can that consummation be?
I’m looking looking, looking for thee
Oh where can my consummation be?
It flickered past my half closed eyes
It appeared to be outside of me
All I really wanted was to be free
Oh my dear – what is happening to me?
Calm down and be at peace my dear
Let go of what you crave and fear
You bounce between these dualities
Just stop now and let things be
Set the heart on the path
The open wish of benefit
Open to see all reality
Open to let the dancers be
Smooth and peaceful – mind so free
Come dance with people – set them free
Dance smoothly and so peacefully
Dance slowly – initially
Set a rhythm in open glee
Set the dance ground wide and free
Learn the steps in harmony
With the realm of reality
Each step comes from a good heart
It wishes for ultimate benefit
Each step progresses to the next
Opening slowly the realm of reality
The movement of the hand and foot
In rhythm with ultimate benefit
In harmony with reality
Come Heruka! Come dance with me!
The feeling flames, the passion comes
Desire fills the being
Bliss comes with just a touch
Satisfied the mind is free
Fulfilment is not outside there
It’s not found with just a stare
Common desires attracted by the glare
They fly about and just don’t care
Bodhicitta is a passion fine
She dances across my nerves divine
She caresses my heart tenderly
She unites with me – sublimely
All she touches gives great bliss
The mind is intoxicated by her kiss
It never stops – it pulses on
My heart is singing such a song!
Each pore explodes in ecstasy
Light fills the body – I feel free
The dance is going to start tonight
The dance will go on throughout the night
It never ends – this ecstasy
It runs and runs for infinity
All Buddhas know this very realm
They abide in it with equanimity
As with a climax comes some peace
The nerves know it is just a space
That recycles all the energy
To come again in ecstasy
This is such a wonderful mind
So satisfying and sublime
Always progressing to the beat
Of my heart as I think of thee
Dakini, you are found in me
You stand so tall and are so free
Bold and beautiful to me
I find I crave thee constantly
Yogini please come be mine
I know we can be sublime
I feel it in my every pore
The Bodhicitta Mind – forever more.
I am a Bodhicitta freak
I want to kiss her very feet
I want to grasp her thighs so fine
I want to gaze into her eyes
To stroke her hair so bright and fair
To kiss her ear most tenderly
To caress her face and kiss the lips
To pause and slowly absorb the bliss
This woman has such fine quality
She stands and blazes equality
She seeks to benefit us all
She knows where all her acts will fall
She comes from the realm of reality
The womb of suchness vast and free
Divine and full of ecstasy
Oh please Dakini come to me
I found the doorway to her realm
It lies in peaceful harmony
If stress is felt the door swings shut
Be open mind and just be that
Without concepts of this or that
Just peaceful, happy and quite free
The heart is open just to thee
Come dance and give me ecstasy
My thought delves deep into my heart
The understanding is in place
The nerves react with buoyant joy
But it does not sustain itself.
My feelings delve deep into my heart
Some pain, some joy abide in there
A thought produces this or that
But they do not sustain themselves
My intuition delves deep into my heart
It knows everything is fine
The passage of time will change it all
This does finally set me free
Where feelings come from – one cannot say,
The mood strikes, it is a play.
It writes a story that is seldom told,
One of love and yet…… of the untold.
I think the play arises from the way we care,
The blood of life – sacred and rare.
Nourishing the spirit – beyond the flesh,
The blood of life, of love and care.
The world spins around – life comes and goes,
Feelings arise – once again to show,
That love is important and it demonstrates,
The bodhisattva’s love is beyond all states.
Its not the flesh, its not the mate,
I think it is the enlightenment state.
The play of consciousness that seeks to be free,
Free to express – love for all and thee.
Consciousness dances and spins about,
It gives rise to waves beyond all doubts.
The waves of love and splendid joy,
The play of enlightenment – the dance of joy.
I would write a little more explicitly
But I feel inhibited, not so free,
I think this is wrong – as you set me free,
So why not say these things to thee?
You are joyful and wise, a Dakini,
Quite wonderful, as you set all free,
The dakini of wisdom – moving with grace,
Set to the rhythm for the human race.
Smiling beauty, bright and fair,
Light of realization on your hair,
Eyes delightful at the dharma fair –
In your movements – joyful care.
The wisdom words rained upon us all.
Born were the colourful flowers so tall,
Blossoms that bloomed as they felt the call,
Call to enlightenment, heeding the call.
The time was short, it did not last,
Like flowers – they bloomed and then were cast,
Thrown upon the beings as they passed
Spreading virtue for as long as it can last.
The sun set and all beings did run,
The dharma fair over, as was the fun.
Now to ignite enlightenment’s sun,
Illuminating all till the work is done.
Dakini who moves from light to dark,
Sometimes found and sometimes not.
Shifting shadow arising in a bodhisattva form,
Alight in fullness please and never depart.
The yogi sits within a house
As many doors swing open-shut
To sally forth is to move about
To stay within is wisdom bright.
A day of wonder is about to rise
A day with no sense of what will come
In the past the rush was to fill the void
The current moment is of another thought.
Reflections on the nature of it all-
Review the scenes of lives gone by
To take advantage of what can truly help
To be wise as the winds blow new sights.
Wisdom and a desire for growth
Cause the poem to arise
Like the dawn it breaks upon the day
Like a lion it hunts for newfound prey.
The prey can be of different kinds
It depends on what the path presents
Each scene has several opportunities
Are we wise enough to catch the light?
Ships pass each other in the night
The horns sound and the lights shine bright
The passengers wave and wonder why?
Why it all happens just that way.
Life will unfold and scenes play out
The choices many or maybe not
Today is just one more on the line
Of the search for everlasting joy.