October 2017
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Things are getting more lively for you. The Sun runs in opposition, thus stimulating you to search for things to do. The effect can be distracting, as it is an opposition. To this is added Mercury in opposition, stimulating errant thoughts. That often makes one ask many questions and mental agitation. All in all, feel the urge to act but be mindful of how the energy is being presented. As the month ends Uranus will be opposite the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, making the agitation even stronger. Remember, it is just an influence, you can control yourself if you wish to.
Aries Buddhists are motivators. This month may appear busy, so practice equanimity regarding the outcome of your actions. Use the Buddhist axiom, “To the best of my ability cause no harm, to the best of my ability be of benefit.”
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
You have quite a sensual energy this month. A positive attitude can make you playful and fun loving. A bad attitude promotes ego-centric activity that wants self-gratification. Essentially Mars and Venus are well aspected to Taurus in the first two weeks. Desires seem far away and yet so tantalizing. Be positive and loving with others, the aspects are good.
Taurus Buddhists can reflect on the above comment about affection and see if they can share the pleasures with others. Bodhisattva practitioners can utilize sensuality in daily activity if they have a stable altruistic attitude.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Self-confidence continues to run high. Saturn gives you a solid pragmatic view with a square aspect from Virgo to Mars and Venus. The first two weeks of the month your mind May feel frustrated and unfulfilled. As a Buddhist this aspect is useful, as it helps us appreciate Samsara is unreliable. Buddhists are contemplative and Saturn benefits from that approach to life. It brings out the wisdom that Saturn offers.
Gemini Buddhists should put their books aside and just meditate this month. Study could promote debate and then arguments. Gemini’s love to study, so this is the month to go “non-conceptual.”
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
You have great energy at the start of the month as Mars and Venus are well aspected to Cancer. That is complicated by a square by the Sun and Mercury, which means mental confusion. Be careful what pleasures you seek. All this changes in the last weeks as the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter come beneficially aspected to Cancer. So be mindful in the first weeks and be expressive of good will in the last weeks.
Cancer Buddhists might consider observing the play of Samsara this month. Sometimes things go poorly and sometimes they go well. Such is Samsara, unpredictable.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
You have great energy at the start of the month as the Sun and Mercury are well aspected to Leo. That will be complicated by a square by the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury at the end of the month. Be careful of expectations. You feel good in the first weeks but it all changes in the last weeks. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter cause confusion. So be full of good will in the first weeks and be contemplative in the last weeks.
Leo Buddhists have strong personalities. Motivate yourself and others in the first weeks and then retreat in the last weeks. This matches the astrological influences perfectly.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month has a true sense of power and joy. Mars and Venus have a few weeks left in your sign and are stimulated by good aspects to the Moon and Neptune. Just be careful because Saturn squares these two planets. That just means you have to keep your expectations low. Saturn in this aspect will bring common sense to fanciful ideas. The month ends with good feelings from aspects from the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury.
Virgo Buddhists need to be mindful of the Perfection of Patience. Be aware that patience is not simplistic forbearance, rather it is seeking a skillful resolution to obstacles. Patience does not have to be interpreted as being a doormat, it can be active.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Happy Birthday. You might consider giving your parents a present instead of expecting one from them. They gave you this body and deserve some complimentary gifts in thanks for the life you now live. It is your birthday month and there are no complications. The Sun and Mercury bless you for the whole month and in the last weeks Mars and Venus add to the blessing. Therefore, be friendly and warm hearted to all.
Libra Buddhists should be expressive of their joy for a meaningful life because of having the Bodhisattva’s attitude. Nothing more need be said.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Happy Birthday. You might consider giving your parents a present instead of expecting one from them. They gave you this body and deserve some complimentary gifts in thanks for the life you now live. This month you have supportive aspects in the last weeks from the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Be a little careful of impulsiveness as Uranus is opposite the Sun in the last week. The beneficial side of this is you are spontaneous and happy. Just don’t be too excited, be thoughtful of your actions.
Scorpio Buddhists who are tantric practitioners will love this month. Especially those with a Heruka practice. As for those who practice “disengaging Buddhism”, you will find the need to focus on your breath a great deal more.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month you are truly contemplative. The reason is Saturn is well aspected by the Sun and Mercury. There is a small complication though, Mars and Venus are square to Saturn. What is good is the frustration from the Venus Mars aspect finishes quickly and then more positive influences come to play as the month ends. Therefore, go slowly at first and then do the things you wish to accomplish.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspirational most of the time. This is even more the case as you enjoy the month of October. Practice Guru Yoga and recite many mantras. The blessings will be greater than normal with the aspects to Saturn.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Everything is impermanent, and this month things change. The Sun and Mercury are square to Pluto in your sign. That is not a curse from astrology, just a note that discord can arise easily if you are not mindful. Be careful of your opinions this month. Exercise “right speech” and your mindfulness will protect you. An aspect only has as much influence as you lack personal awareness.
Capricorn Buddhists might consider a study retreat this month. Personal study and a quiet livelihood are good choices. Don’t look for the perfect situation outside of yourself, just create that place within.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month starts well with good aspects from Mars and Venus. That means imaginative sensuality. Great is you write love poems. Later in the month the Sun Jupiter and Mercury will be well aspected to Neptune and stimulate profound thought. That time will be interesting, utilize it well please. Bodhicitta is a good addition to whatever you are doing at that time.
Aquarius Buddhists could consider taking Bodhicitta vows several times this month. Think about engaged Buddhist ideals. You have the strength of astrological character to accomplish a great deal.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Neptune and the Moon stimulate your Sun sign to new levels of spiritual insight. These planets only touch for a brief time but it will stimulate great compassion. It would be an excellent time to meditate on the two Bodhicittas. The relative Bodhicitta is idealism to benefit all sentient beings and the ultimate Bodhicitta is the spaciousness of reality. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter will help you in the later weeks of the month. This increases profound thoughts full of good will.
Pisces Buddhists have some excellent power this month, but they must be careful how they exercise it. Maintain a Bodhicitta attitude and great things can happen.