Astrology Charts,  November

November 2023

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
The month of November has Venus coming in opposition to Aries.  Venus is the astrological stimulation to sensuality.  That is form and color, sound, smell, taste and sensation.  This will stimulate desires in an Aries person.  Therefore, it is important to have a good sense of ethics and altruism.  The ethics protects you from doing this harmful to others and the altruism inspires the sensuality to strive for higher goals.  It is a good aspect if you are mindful not to chase meaningless desires.

Aries Buddhists are motivators.  This month Vajrasattva meditations would be beneficial.  Heruka Vajrasattva and Consort are a manifestation of an sensuous but enlightened relationship between two people.


TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
Are you feeling split between the current situation and projections about better scenarios?  The Sun, Mars and Mercury run opposite to your sun sign.   Those are three energetic planets are stressing you and pulling you in many directions.  This is increased with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.  I would strongly suggest you go slowly and be mindful.  It is only an influence but if you have some delusions of better situations elsewhere you may be fooling yourself.  This will diminish as the month progresses as both the Sun and Mercury will move into Sagittarius.

Taurus Buddhists are practical.  This month make sure your desires are in check.  You tend to fantasize and do all the wrong things to attain happiness.  Remember Shantideva the great Buddhist’s words of wisdom.  “Sentient beings are strange, although wishing happiness they avoid its causes.  Although wishing to avoid suffering they constantly create its causes.”


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

This month you have no planets directly in your sign.  Planet transits can be useful for Buddhists.   In this case you have a holiday from planetary stimulation, but that does not mean we do not practice.  We can do many positive things irrespective of astrology or other external events.  Slow down at this time and do more meditation.  It is a profound time to reflect on the meaning of your life.   Utilize the blessing of having Buddha Dharma in your life, it is not always available.


Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month act with a loving heart and faith in the 3 Precious Jewels of Refuge. Don’t plan many activities, instead be peacefully and thoughtful.


CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

This month four planets support you from other signs.  The Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus are all beneficially positioned.  I would suggest you pursue projects that involve others in virtuous activities.  Be supportive of positive group action and you may find you are able to organize people well.  You often work with your emotions and this month you can give good emotional support to others.  The effect on you will diminish in the last weeks of November and so utilize it while the beneficial stimulation is present.


Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month the feelings are motivational.  Mix these feelings with Bodhicitta and you will bring fulfillment to both yourself and others.


LEO (July 23 – August 22)

This month no planets are in your sign.  You do have the Sun, Mars and Mercury square your sign and so be careful of stress and arguments.  Your sign is active and with three planets square, the feelings of aggression or frustration could arise.  Be mindful in your motive and you can easily control this influence.  If you have a situation where activity is necessary, these aspects could be useful but one still has to be mindful of aggression.  That will totally shift in the last days of November as the Sun and Mars come conjunct in Sagittarius which is supportive to your sun sign of Leo.


Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month just stay home and meditate.  Be organized about your thoughts and meditate on karma, the suffering nature of deluded reality and interdependence.  These meditations will be fruitful for your spiritual progress.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month you have Venus in Virgo for the first week of November.  What that means is a lot of energy that needs to be moved in a positive direction.  Be the eye of calm in the middle of the storm of busy times.  If you have a big project to complete this aspect could be useful but at the end of the month be careful you are not rushing things.  The energy will diminish, and you could feel exhausted if you try to accomplish too much.


Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month you are busy and possibly rushing to get things done.  Slow down and organize yourself before you step out the door to start the day.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

This month things are quiet for the first week of November but that will change when Venus enters Libra.  This happens after the first ten days of the month and will be very stimulating.  Venus will excite your desires and passions.  Basically, be mindful on a daily basis and have a positive motivation each morning.   Irrespective of astrological influences, the two factors of mindfulness and positive motivation will make your life meaningful and fulfilled.


Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. This month it is sunny weather figuratively speaking so enjoy the blessings and utilize the good weather to expand your positive feelings.  Life experiences are only a problem if you make them a problem.   Don’t chase unattainable desires, that will be problematic for you.


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

This is your birthday month and the Sun, Mars and Mercury are in Scorpio. These are the earth and fire element planets in the zodiac.   Go slowly as you have ample energy to draw on. Going slowly ensures actions and thoughts are done skillfully. Don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. Even if they have passed away you can dedicate a meditation or two in deep appreciation of their support.  The positive influence of the Sun and Mercury will only last for three weeks, so utilize that effect while it is present.


Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month you are energetically passionate so manifest it skillfully. Give happiness to others, that is the passion of Bodhicitta and that also brings you much greater personal satisfaction.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

This is your birthday month.  The Sun, Mercury and Mars will transit through Sagittarius in the last ten days of the month.  Utilize this influence in your daily meditations and activities.  Even if you simply sit down and meditate for a brief moment, you will initiate the blessing from these planets.  It is the inspiration to be positive and act on those intentions.  You have power, use it well.  Don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. Even if they have passed away you can dedicate a meditation or two in deep appreciation of their support.


Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. This month slow down and meditate before you act.  Remember a compassionate heart is a great source of motivation.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month Pluto will have two aspects stimulating it.  First Mercury will stimulate positive feelings of sincerity and faith.  Later in the month the Sun and Mars will come into positive aspect with Pluto and stimulate more intense feelings of faith and dedication.  Be mindful of agitated feelings and you will avoid acting out frustrations. Virtuous mindfulness stops even bad astrological aspects. Be confident in your own clarity and positive feelings.  Be the Bodhisattva that benefits all sentient beings.


Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate decisions. This month go slowly and do good works.  Basically your faith is a mainstay for your practice and so use it well.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

This month you should slow down and watch the melodrama of life unfold.  Samsara is the creation of deluded minds.  If your mind is clear and wise, then you have the causes for liberation and nirvana.  The Sun, Mars and Mercury are squaring your sign, and this will effect Aquarius with mental agitation.  That means you are sensitive to the confusion around you.  Therefore, just sit back, be quiet and contemplative and gain insights into the suffering nature of samsara.  It will effect you mostly in the first two weeks of November.


Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month put more emphasis on meditation and peacefulness.  It will help you manage your social interactions.


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

This month Mercury, Mars and the Sun will be well aspected to Pisces.  This positive effect will only last for the first ten days of November.  Mercury stimulates thoughts and communication.  The Sun will stimulate energy and determination.  As the month progresses the Sun and Mercury’s effects will diminish and then you will benefit from Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is helping you.  If you have a good contemplative practice this helps mental clarity of the Path.  Meditation is not just being peaceful, it also needs intelligence.  Saturn adds contemplation and Neptune adds spiritual insight.


Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month stabilize your practice with a clear altruistic motivation and know it is beneficial irrespective of periodic times of confusion.  Your altruism is inspired in the first weeks, stabilize it to help you pass though the last weeks of November.