November 2021
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month you have a nice stable mind. You have Mercury and the Moon briefly opposite Aries. A flair of compassionate intelligence. Don’t expect that astrology is always playing a role in your life. You are influenced my many things on different levels, but your awareness and wisdom always filter the situations. Keep wisdom and mindfulness in good condition and your life is comfortable. Be careful as the month ends as Venus, Pluto and the Moon will run opposite Aries. That just means emotions will run higher than normal, but your wisdom will keep it all under control.
Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month relax and work on your meditation without stressing about it.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month things could crazy making. The Sun, Mars, Mercury and briefly the Moon are opposite Uranus in Taurus. That can mean you are pulled in many directions because of excitement and confusion. Therefore, quietude meditation is excellent as it calms the hectic sense of agitation. If you have an aggressive nature then be careful about rash choices. You are inclined to fool yourself into thinking everything is okay.
Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical. This month just be mindful and make decisions slowly. Control your impulsiveness with quietude and peace.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month your mind is a little scattered in the last 2 weeks. The Sun and Mercury will run in opposition and as you are already intellectually inclined, you could feel that there are just too many things to think about. Slow down, do breathing meditation. Just watch out for your mind jumping into overdrive. At the end of the month Saturn will be well aspected and that may help analytical reflections.
Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month stop thinking about things and meditate. Don’t jump around too much, be peacefully and thoughtful.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month for a brief time life seems stressful. You have Pluto opposite your sign and Mercury coming in square to that. What that means is your thoughts and feelings are complicated. It is not easy to come to emotional peace. This will only last for a few days, so do not worry. You might feel this is not the case but if you check up you may find you are just being close minded and not recognizing what is going on. I would recommend meditations of empathetic compassion for all. This softens Mercury’s impact on you and gives a good context for emotional responsiveness.
Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month the feelings could be confusing. Therefore, mix whatever arises with Bodhicitta and recognize we are all in samsara. Your compassion will give you context.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month you are confident but prone to feeling obstructed. Leo is strongly connected with the Sun, but right now in a square aspect. That means slow down and do things in a logical manner while being mindful of rash impulsiveness. Come midmonth Mars will start to stimulate your desires. If you are ambitious, then you may feel frustrated. Therefore, keep your nose to the grindstone of good mindfulness. Leo people are powerful but need to manage the energy skillfully.
Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month just stay home and rake the leaves.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month maintain your cool and just meditate peacefully. Neptune is well aspected by the Sun and Mars. These are all nice aspects and so enthusiasm and love stimulate you. Bring Bodhicitta to your actions and all will go very well. Meditate on the Mind Transformation texts like 37 Practices of all Buddha’s Children.
Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month just pray and meditate. It is a peaceful time to offer good prayers and intentions to the universe.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month things have calmed down. Birthday is over and everyone has moved on to the fall season and thanksgiving. There is a positive aspect with Venus which will stimulate love and affection. You will feel playful. If you have a good attitude this can mean limitless love stimulating the mind of a Bodhisattva. Be mindful and with peace and all will be accomplished well.
Libra Buddhists like to keep things in balance. Therefore, slow down and reflect on the meaning of your life. Balance activity with clear motivations. Balance meditation with a calm introspectiveness.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This is the birthday month and the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Mars are stimulating you. It is energetic and intellectual stimulation. Go slowly as you have ample energy to draw on. Going slowly just ensures actions and thoughts are done skillfully. As this is your birthday month, don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. If they have passed away, then do a meditation in deep appreciation of this rebirth. We have the Dharma and are so lucky.
Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month you are energetically passionate so manifest it skillfully. Give happiness to others, that is the passion of Bodhicitta and that also brings you much greater personal satisfaction.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month offers astrological stimulation to be happy and intelligent. The reason is the Sun and Mercury will enter your sign. That is excellent for deep conviction with a sprinkling of thoughtfulness and enthusiasm. The reason for that is Saturn and Jupiter are well aspected to your sign too. Don’t expect that astrology is always playing a role in your life. You are influenced my many things on different levels but your awareness and wisdom always filters to the situations. Keep wisdom and mindfulness in good condition and your life is comfortable. As this is your birthday month, don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. If they have passed away then do a meditation in deep appreciation of this rebirth.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. This month slow down and relax. A mind with few thoughts is often a mind with contentment.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
This month you will feel deep feelings are important. Pluto is in your Sun Sign and will be here for many years to come. It is good to organize one’s deeper feelings so they benefit you and others. I would recommend meditations of Bodhicitta as that is always the best motivation. If you do something, don’t just do it for yourself, do it so it benefits many. Bodhicitta is like the feeling of a mother for her children. She wishes to benefit them all equally. This feeling will be very easy for you as Venus will also be moving through Capricorn for November.
Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions. This month focus on expressing love and compassion. Reflection is good but loving action is beneficial too.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you have Jupiter and Saturn both helping you along. You could feel prone to being obstructed. The reason is the Sun and Mars will run in square aspects. That means slow down and do things in a logical manner while being mindful of rash impulsiveness. The aspect will not last for long, as we all know, everything is always changing. Therefore, keep your nose to the grindstone of good mindfulness and add to that a positive intention and life will be good.
Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month put more emphasis on meditation and peacefulness. It will help you manage your social commitments.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month you feel free and spacious. The Sun, Mercury and Mars will run well aspected to Neptune for most of the month. First will be the Sun, then Mercury and finally Mars. The first two weeks focus on intuitive thoughts. The last two weeks shift to being focused on intuitive actions. Be supportive of others as you have good altruistic feelings. Enjoy yourself, you have nice astrological support.
Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month your sensitivity is excellent. Have fun and be friendly to all.
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