2017,  Astrology Charts

May 2017

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You will have a very busy month in May.  Reason is Uranus, Mercury and Venus are transiting your sign.  Uranus gives you spontaneity, Mercury intelligence, and Venus a desire for pleasure.  Mercury will move forward quickly and so the effect of a quick intellect will be short lived.  As the month closes Venus and Uranus will come conjunct and be squared by Pluto.  Thus stimulated a very deep but creative expression of sensuality.  Be mindful of where your desires lead you and pick positive directions.  Don’t chase after the unattainable, even if it looks very attractive.  This month would be a good time to practice Tumo meditations, just make sure your ethics are clearly in place.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  Be mindful of what desires you strongly feel about.  You might overwhelm others with your enthusiasm.  Use skillful means and a positive motivation to ensure you go in a good direction.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month is your birthday month.  Don’t forget to thank your mother and father for giving you this rebirth.  Even if they were not there for you all the time, still they gave you an opportunity to work out your bad karma and accumulate good karma.  The first week your mind and emotional skills are strong.  The Sun and Pluto are well aspected.  The last two weeks require more mindfulness as the nodes of the Moon will squares your Sun.  Be careful of illusions or fears you project onto those around you.  The nodes of the Moon represent some of your past life’s karmic debts and how to deal with them.  So if something comes up for you, don’t just repeat the cycle and fail to purify that luggage.

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month show your positive qualities and share your positive feelings.  Don’t worry if people accept them or not, just speak in a clear and confident mind.  Use your Dharma wisdom to benefit yourself and others.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month is your birthday month.  Don’t forget to thank your mother and father for giving you this rebirth.  Even if they were not there for you all the time, still they gave you an opportunity to work out your bad karma and accumulate good karma.  This month your energy is strong in the first ten days.  Basically, the month starts with Venus, Uranus and Mercury well aspected.  That means you are blessed by the planets currently transiting in Aries.  If you have Bodhicitta you can work with this energy constructively.  The ability to work with your feelings and energy helps you work with others’ feelings too.  If the thought of working with desire is uncomfortable then offer prayers that you can do so in the future.  There is always a way to be positive.

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month energy and desires are energized and so your mind has to work effectively with an element where the intellect normally does not go.  Be intelligent but also be aware that feelings are sometimes stronger than your intellect.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The month has two areas of stimulation.  The first week is Pluto opposite Cancer and squaring Mercury and Uranus.   The last week is Pluto still opposite Cancer but squaring Uranus and Venus.  That means someone with a Cancer Sun will have to deal with strong emotional turbulence.  If it is raining hard but you have a good raincoat, you don’t get wet.  Planets are merely an environmental influence, you still can be motivated in a positive manner and deal effectively with whatever arises.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month you are a powerhouse of strong feelings.  Make that power love, intelligence and energy benefiting others.  You have lots of those feelings.  Just motivate correctly and everything will be fine.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month is excellent for happy meditations.  Saturn is well aspected to your sign along with other aspects from Uranus, Mercury and Venus in Aries.  Saturn works beneficially with meditation as it cultivates thoughtfulness.  Saturn responds well with Buddhist contemplations and this helps ground the energy of the other aspects.  Focus on your Bodhicitta motive and you will develop many positive qualities.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month organize your meditation practice with a clear motivation.  What legacy would you like to leave to the world?  Be a true bodhisattva and offer benefit and bliss to all.  That is an excellent legacy that brings happiness to everyone.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month you have Neptune and Mars aspected to your Sun sign.  The Mars aspect, particularly to Neptune, will increase spiritual determination.  At the beginning of the month the Sun and Moon compliment this with an enthusiastic spirituality.  At the end of the month the Sun will be running square and this could cause anxiety or illusions.  Therefore, be more mindful after the 20th of May.  The world is a dynamic place and you have the positive dynamic of the Dharma and so do something constructive irrespective of the astrology aspects.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month your energy is released and free.  Be mindful to not be so courageous that you hurt yourself or shock others.  Always balance enthusiasm with wisdom.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month there is a lot happening for you.  Uranus, Venus, and Mercury are all opposite Jupiter in your Sun Sign.   That is 40% of the planets in our solar system.  Therefore, be mindful of what you plan to do and don’t over extend yourself.   You might feel rushed or impulsive and so it is important to have a good meditation practice of peaceful mindfulness.  That will eliminate the problems that might come if you are going too quickly.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  This month organize the meaning of your life for the first two weeks and then act on those decisions in the second two weeks.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you are a little stressed with things that are out of your immediate reach or control.  This is because the Sun is opposite to your sign.  It is not a big problem though as only the Sun has this position.  Basically focus on one particular goal at a time.  If you try to do many things you may find you get scattered and loose clarity.  Just pursue small and simple goals.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month relax and don’t chase your desires.  Just be peaceful.  It takes a clear mind to accomplish a meaningful life, so keep your mindfulness in place.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month is excellent for happy meditations.  Saturn is well aspected to your sign along with other aspects from Mars, Uranus, Mercury and Venus.  Saturn works beneficially with meditation as that cultivates thoughtfulness.  Saturn responds to Buddhist contemplations that clarify the meaning of your life and this helps ground the energy of the other planetary aspects.  Focus on your Bodhicitta motive and you will develop many positive qualities.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month I would recommend going slowly and being mindful.  You will feel the urge to rush around.  Recognize those feelings and stop yourself.  Be mindful that doing something quickly does not always accomplish your goal.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month your deep feelings about life motivate you.  Pluto is in your sign with aspects to Uranus, Mercury and Venus in Aries.  That stimulates deep thoughts and desires.  Set positive and constructive goals and you will not have a problem.  Deep feelings can be beneficial if they are cultivated in good directions.  If you chase desires though you can end up feelings betrayed.  Be mindful of your goals and you will not have a problem.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  This month apply yourself fully to realizing a goal that benefits both yourself and others.  It is a good time to put faith in your idealistic dreams and wishes.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month your energy is strong in the first ten days.  Basically, the month starts with Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury well aspected.  That means you are blessed by the planets currently transiting in Aries and Libra.  If you have Bodhicitta you can work with this energy constructively.  The ability to work with your own feelings and energy helps you work with others’ feelings too.  There is always a way to be positive if you have a flexible attitude.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month your interactions with others are going well.  Keep an eye on negative imagination though if you have any problems.  If you are forgetful you will start to worry about things you have no control over.  Be peaceful and all will go well.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
You are still a spiritual and visionary center for the universe as Neptune is in your sign for ages.  This month the first week is great for meditation.  You have the Sun well positioned to bless and stabilize your dreams.  Be slightly careful as the month closes as the Sun will run square your sign.  That can mean you feel personally out of sorts even though things are going well.  Just be peaceful and your composure will return to you quickly.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month be active and inspired.  Do spend some time thinking about what you want to do first though, that saves time and energy.