
March 2020

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month is your birthday month. Don’t forget to thank your mother and father for giving you this rebirth. Even if they were not there for you all the time, still they gave you an opportunity to work out your bad karma and accumulate good karma. This month starts with Venus stimulating you, but only for a few days. She will move out of Aries quickly. As the month closes the Sun will enter Aries and that gives you a nice sense of self confidence. The Sun will be unaspected for some time and so there should be no problems.
Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. Be friendly and warm all month. It is your birthday month and so be kind.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
The month is slightly complicated as Saturn will be in a wide-angle square to Uranus in Taurus. You might feel intense about things you have little control over. That is complicated by Venus entering Taurus and squaring Saturn, this makes satisfaction seem distant. Therefore, be peaceful and do things slowly and with mindfulness. That combats all the problems that could arise from astrological influences.
Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical. This month show your positive qualities and share your positive ideas. As the month progresses slow down and be aware your attitude creates your experience of everything you do.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month starts quietly as no planets are in Gemini. There can be slight problems as the Sun and Neptune will be square to Gemini for the first weeks. Just exercise more mindfulness and you will not suffer any confusion. The aspect can make you feel deluded or unaware, thus causing mistakes to arise.
Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month attend classes, study and if you are a teacher, share your wisdom. Your positive attitude is always the best face to show to others.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month is powerful. Pluto, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are opposite with a square to Uranus and Venus. Remember, astrology is only an influence and it manifests dependent on the current attitude and circumstances of your life. Therefore, whatever you might have as an issue at this time may surface strongly. In positive terms this transit could motivate you constructively. The important question is, “Are you aware of yourself and your personal intensity?” If you filter your feelings with wisdom and compassion, then things should be fine.
Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month you could be a powerhouse of determination. The power needs a good motivation though and everything can become positive.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month is excellent for meditation. Reason is you have no planets in your sign for the first weeks and so the peace can be utilized for inner development. Sometimes astrology can benefit us with supportive energy, but it is still our responsibility to do the right things and cultivate our inner wisdom and compassion. You will have Saturn come opposite to Leo in the last ten days of March. Saturn is a great planet for Buddhists as it makes us more contemplative. That adds to the general theme of meditating this month.
Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month organize the vision or idealism of your life. What legacy would you like to leave to the world? Be a true bodhisattva and offer benefit and bliss to all. That is an excellent legacy that brings happiness to everyone.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month Neptune, Mercury and the Sun are aspected in opposition to your Sun sign. That makes you sensitive to things going on around you. The Mercury opposition can cause a problem if you put too much emphasis on your intellect. Learn how to be peaceful and not believe in everything you think. This can help your dharma practice. The world is a dynamic place and it is your awareness and wisdom that help you navigate the turbulent waters of Samsara.
Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month your energy is spread all over the cosmos. Be mindful to not create a fantasy that you hurt yourself or shock others. Always balance your activities with wisdom.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month has Pluto, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter all running square to Libra. That means you are prone to being intense about things. Remember, astrology is only an influence and it manifests dependent on the current attitude and circumstances of your life. Therefore, whatever you might have as an issue at this time may surface strongly. In positive terms this transit could motivate you constructively. The important question is, “Are you aware of yourself and your personal intensity?” If you filter your feelings with wisdom and compassion, then things should be fine.
Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. This month you have lots of energy, just be mindful how you express it. Balance your actions with wisdom and compassion.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you are a little stressed with things that are out of your immediate reach or control. Scorpio is opposed by the Uranus and Venus. That means errant energy and desire. Basically, focus on one goal at a time. If you try too hard you may find you get scattered and lose focus. Just pursue small and simple goals. In the last ten days things turn around for you with a good aspect with Saturn. You could see goals more easy to achieve.
Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month relax and don’t follow your desires. Just be peaceful. It takes a clear mind to accomplish a meaningful life, so keep your mindfulness in place.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month be careful of intellectual confusion. The month is quiet as no planets are in Sagittarius, but you have Mercury, the Sun and Neptune square and that can cause mental confusion. Slow down and don’t try to do too many things. The whole month has a certain level of intensity to it, so be mindful and move slowly, that would be good advice any day of the week.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. This month I would recommend going slowly and being mindful. You will feel the urge to argue with people. Recognize those feelings and stop yourself. Be mindful that doing something quickly does not always accomplish your goal.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
This month your ideas about life are intense. Pluto, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in your Sun sign. So be mindful of impulsive desires and reckless activity. The Pluto placement could make you intense about your beliefs. The Jupiter and Mars are like gasoline on a fire, they just intensify the situation. Therefore, slow down and watch your intensity level in all actions. This is a good transit for Guru Yoga, as the strong feelings might inspire you constructively to do something like the 100,000 prostrations. If you start though don’t stop when the transit is over.
Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions. This month do just that. Meditate on mindful awareness of the actions of your body, speech and mind.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you are mostly free of planets in Aquarius. This will change in the last ten days as Saturn will enter Aquarius. That is a good placement for meditation and contemplation. You may have strong feelings about an issue or problem in your life. The reason is Uranus is squaring Saturn. Therefore, plan activities that are not overly complicated. Contemplation is good currently as it fills the sails of the perfect human rebirth (the boat) that takes you across the ocean of samsara.
Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month keep an eye on negative imagination and frustration. If you are forgetful you will start to worry about things you have no control over. Be peaceful and all will go well.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month is your birthday month. Don’t forget to thank your mother and father for giving you this rebirth. Even if they were not there for you all the time, still they gave you an opportunity to work out your bad karma and accumulate good karma. This month continues with Neptune in Pisces. The month starts with excellent aspects from Jupiter and Mars. That benefits you with good confidence and energy. Remember your altruism is a personal motivation and even if others don’t agree with you, that does not mean you abandon your positive feelings.
Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month be active and inspired. Do spend some time thinking about what you want to do first though, that prevents errors and saves time.