2016,  Astrology Charts

March 2016

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month Uranus is well aspected with Saturn.  That is a good aspect for executive decisions because Saturn adds strength to Uranus’s spontaneity. Be careful of being grumpy though if you don’t get your way.  Reason is Pluto is square and that can stimulate a grumpy attitude if you feel frustrated.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month you can make powerful decision, just be careful of being too intense about your desires.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month you have the Sun, Neptune and then Venus and Mercury stimulating you.  These are all secondary influences as these planets are moving through Pisces.  Remember astrology influences you according to the environment you are living in.  Those in the northern hemisphere are awakening to spring.  Taurus loves to work and springtime is a good time to start new projects.

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month basically do any positive action you wish to be involved in.  There are no problems except the ones you make for yourself by not being mindful.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month starts with some problems but by mid month it all turns around and is positive.  The problem is the Sun and Neptune and then Venus and Mercury are square to Gemini.  Just be mindful of your sensitivity.  Don’t over react to situations.  Basically this month is not difficult, just be mindful of what you do.  Use the Buddhist idea of “Peace in every step.”

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month your mind may be active for the first two weeks.  Do calm abiding meditations.  Mid month you will start to express your ideas and feelings well.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month you have the power of the Sun, Neptune and then Venus and Mercury helping you be powerful and decisive.  They are harmoniously positioned to your sign.  Pluto adds faith to your actions as it is opposite to Cancer.  That is if you have a positive attitude, like being a Bodhisattva and wishing to be beneficial to all.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month do activities that are positive and beneficial for others.  That is not astrological advice.  That is just plain “good karma advice.”

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month you are in a nice neutral position.  No planets are in Leo.  You do have Venus and Mercury opposite to stimulate your mind and your heart.  You could be the life of the party if you are social situations.  Therefore do as you wish.  Be compassionately mindful irrespective of where you are or what you are doing.  Mindfulness is the Buddhist protection against suffering and delusion.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month practice mindfulness in all actions.  Cultivate awareness that benefits both you and others.  An enlightened motivation guarantees success, even if there is failure in some actions.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month you have the power of Jupiter in Virgo and the Sun and Neptune helping you from Aries.  That stimulates faith and intuition in your actions.  Do be careful of trying to control things too much.  Reason is Saturn squares Jupiter all month.  That can cause the desire to be a micro-manager.  Lighten up if you feel stress.  I would recommend some forethought about what projects you wish to start.  You have a lot of energy and could overextend yourself.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month be mindful of your enthusiasm, it could make too much work for you.  If you manage your energy, then you will feel happy as the month goes by.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month the main thing is Uranus opposite Libra with a square by Pluto.  That is great for meditation, contemplation and mindfulness.  The reason is those activities control the negative effect of Uranus and Pluto.   Therefore, slow down and think about what is important in your life and stabilize those goals.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  This month be peaceful, contemplative and friendly.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month the big thing is the Sun, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all compliment your sign.  This is excellent supportive energy for anything you wish to do.  Remember that distractions are because of lacking mindfulness not because of external problems.  If you give your power to trying to control the external world, then you will never solve your problems.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month you have great energy.  Be mindful of your desires and slow down.  The grass is green where you are, you just have to look for it.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month starts slowly but ends with lots of energy.  That is because the Sun, Mercury and Mars will come well aspected and conjunct in the last ten days of March.  This will only last for ten days though and so utilize the energy to do good things.  Astrology is an influence but you are the creator of your life.  Do positive things and the astrological aspects will support you.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month be mindful and happy.  Recognize how to use your wisdom to deal effectively with emotions.  Every moment has the opportunity to awaken new realizations.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month has deep and strong emotions.  Pluto is moving slowly through Capricorn and is well aspected with Jupiter and the Sun.  That gives you a lot of power.   Be careful in the last week of March though as the Uranus will square Pluto and your feelings may become too intense.  Remember that astrology is not the only source of stimulation in your life.  Your attitude and mindfulness are far more important as the creators of your life’s activities.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  This time be at peace with yourself, you have a lot of power you need to use correctly.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you have Venus and Mercury helping you in the first week of March.  Then in the last week of March you will the Sun and Mercury well aspected from Aries.  This is further benefited with Saturn and Mars at a good aspect from Sagittarius.  Saturn is a good planet for Buddhists.  It stimulates thoughtful reflection.  Use this time to meditate more than normal.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month meditate and then meditate again.  Great time for insights, not superficial ones, deep ones.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month is the birthday month.  You have the Sun and Neptune in your sign.  Neptune is there for many years to come and that is good for your idealism and spirituality.  Use the last ten days to real focus on your spiritual practice.  Reason being Venus and Neptune are well aspected by Jupiter, thus giving you wonderful energy.  Meditate on Bodhicitta during those days.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month enjoy the birthday party and be full of love.  Love and compassion are always good things to wear at any gathering.