June 2024
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
You only have Mars in Aries right now. What works to your advantage are 5 planets, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all harmoniously positioned. Just be a little careful of being in a rush. This will only effect you for a short time as Mars is moving forward very fast. Essentially you will be successful in whatever you undertake, just avoid a sense of pressure.
All Buddhists with an Aries Sun can consider being active in the world. Motivate clearly each morning, don’t rush your meditation and all should go well. You are slightly inclined to be too excited to get out there and be distracted.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
Are you lonely? Everyone, that is the planets, left and you sit by yourself. There are supportive aspects coming from Mars to give you assistance. This will be in the latter two weeks of June though. That will normally translate into good feelings and energy. Don’t let too many ideas scatter you. Pluto will sit square in those weeks, which can make you feel intense. Do what is at hand, a good Taurus trait and avoid idle speculation.
All Buddhists with a Taurus Sun should do what is required of them. As the Zen proverb says, “Carry water, chop wood.” Be present to whatever manifests. What more needs be said?
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Happy Birthday. Make sure you send a present to your parents. They are the ones who gave you this rebirth and so it is important to celebrate their gift. This month is going to go well. That is from the astrological point of view. You are intelligent, graceful and present. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury are together with a good aspect from Neptune and Saturn. That particular transit of the Sun and Mars from June 1st till the 20th stimulates you to move on important issues. Make sure the issues you focus on create a positive impact. You could end up being pushy if you are not careful.
All Buddhists with a Gemini Sun can start the month with a clear loving feeling that sets one’s motive. Once that is established move your feelings over to fully engaging that intention of affection. You will exude authority, conviction, and determination. Just be mindful not to be overbearing.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Happy Birthday. Make sure you send a present to your parents. They are the ones who gave you this rebirth and so it is important celebrate their gift. Venus, Mercury and the Sun will come into this sign and stimulate an attitude of grace, intelligence and harmony in the last ten days of June. Mars is supportive during those days too. Neptune is positioned square though, and so spiritual insights are available, but be careful of illusions rather than true insights.
All Cancer Buddhists can do whatever they set their sights on. Nothing hinders your success, so use that energy skillfully. Strive to benefit not only yourself but the world and others around you.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month you are empty of planets. Of course, you and the planets were always empty of inherent existence, but this month you have a double emptiness. No self-existent nature and no planets! You have at a distance the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury well aspected for most of the month. That means power and grace. Remember a good motivation assists all your actions and takes it in the right direction. Enjoy the spring as it unfolds.
All Buddhist with a Leo Sun can open and share. Radiate the warmth you internally possess. Be a bright light to people that need a hug and support.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Please go slowly and reflectively. You have Saturn and Neptune effecting your sun sign. They are opposite, which can cause you to be doubtful and suspicious. You also have the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury all square. This is an excellent set of aspects for Guru Yoga and being steadfast in your practice. All these planets stimulate a lot of feelings, so dedicate yourself towards the path to enlightenment. This puts all situations into perspective.
All Virgo Buddhists might want to see the biographies of great masters of the past.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
You are void of planets. Of course, you and the planets were always empty of inherent existence, but this month you have a double emptiness. No self-existent nature and no planets! What works to your advantage are 4 planets, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter all harmoniously positioned. This tends to translate into success in action with an undercurrent of excitement. Avoid doing things in a rush or based on feelings of agitation.
Libra Buddhists need only be mindful of reckless actions undertaken without forethought. Whatever you do has potential for success, just go slowly and double-check your motivation occasionally.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Things are quiet for you. The main planets sit at obscure angles to your Sun sign, so astrology may play a secondary role in the events of the month. You do have Saturn and Neptune well positioned so when you see an opportunity to help others, do it. Saturn gives you confidence and Neptune a sense of thoughtfulness and insight.
Scorpio Buddhists need only go slowly with mindfulness. Watch your dreams, they may be interesting, but a little weird. Neptune is stimulating this response.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
A deep sense energy pervades all your actions. The Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are aspected in your Sun Sign. The “force” is strong with you. It is not the dark side, just the weighty side of things. This is complicated because those planets are opposite Sagittarius. That translates into strong feelings and connections with loved ones. Be mindful when you express feelings too strongly. They are heartfelt, just a little overwhelming for others.
Sagittarius Buddhists are going to find that optimism is great, but it has to come from a deeply felt faith. There are three categories of faith in Buddhism: clear faith, admiring faith and inspired faith. Work on these during the first 3 weeks of the month.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
You have lots of energy and a sense of playfulness about yourself. The Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury stimulate a fun loving nature. They are all in Aries but well aspected to Capricorn and Pluto. This will not last for a long time, so start the month with good feelings and motivation. Then the month will progress smoothly.
Capricorn Buddhists are normally a little detached. This month is a good time to stop and join others in the festivities that come as spring manifests. Don’t go overboard though as you could disrupt the fun by being too excited and busy.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury stimulate Aquarius to new levels of enthusiasm. Granted they are just well aspected to Aquarius, but that helps you feel good. Enthusiasm is high on the agenda. This should help you gain good energy to accomplish positive actions. As the month progresses into the second two weeks you will find yourself excited with the sensual possibilities made available by your good intentions.
Aquarius Buddhists have an excellent social conscience. Sit back and gain a greater vision of what society is currently offering you. Insights can be gained.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
It is a good month to pull back and move slowly into new ventures. Your ideas may not be appreciated. This is in the last two weeks. The Sun, Venus and Mercury will sit square to your Sun sign. This can mean your communication skills may lack clarity. This does not doom you to failure, but it means you tend to ramble on or incorrectly identify what really needs to be said. Think twice and speak once. That saying comes from carpenters, they say, “measure twice and cut once.” In your case, being a Pisces, “think twice and say it once, slowly.”
Pisces Buddhists might consider taking quiet position when melodramas start to unfold. You will only complicate the issue if you try to get involved.
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