2018,  Astrology Charts

June 2018

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
You are going to be very insightful.  You have Neptune in Aries with good aspects first to Venus and later to Mercury.  That means in the first weeks you are insightful about love and altruism.  In the last weeks you have a perceptive intelligence.  Both those effects are because of good aspects with Neptune.  Essentially you will be successful in whatever you undertake.

All Buddhists with an Aries Sun can consider being active and in the world.  Motivate clearly each morning, don’t rush your meditation and all should go well.  You are slightly inclined to be too excited to get out there and be distracted.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
You have good aspects between Uranus (in your sign) and Saturn.  This blesses you with a clear sense of character.  Anytime those two planets are aspected they favor a feeling of independence with confidence.  Thus, I refer to them as a good support for having a dynamic character during their transits.  This will last all month.  Do what is at hand, a good Taurus trait and avoid idle speculation.

All Buddhists with a Taurus Sun should do what is required of them.  As the Zen proverb says, “Carry water, chop wood.”  Be present to whatever manifests.  What more need be said?

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Happy Birthday.  Make sure you send a present to your parents.  They are the ones who gave you this rebirth and so it is important to celebrate their gift.   This month is going to go well.  That is from the astrological point of view.  You are intelligent and present.  The Sun and Mercury are together with a good aspect from Mars.  The Sun and Mercury together (for the first week) gives you a good intellectual appreciation of live.  That transit of the Sun and Mars from June 1st onwards stimulates you to move on important issues.  Make sure the issues you focus on create a positive impact.  You could end up being pushy if you are not careful.

All Buddhists with a Gemini Sun can start the month with a clear mind that sets one’s motive.  Once that is established move your energy over to fully engaging that intention.  You will exude authority, conviction and determination.  Just be mindful not to be overbearing.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Happy Birthday.  Make sure you send a present to your parents.  They are the ones who gave you this rebirth and so it is important celebrate their gift.  Venus is in your sign and stimulates an attitude of grace and harmony for most of the month.  Neptune is also well positioned, and so spiritual insights are available.  This continues with Mercury entering Cancer in the last two weeks.  It also is well aspected to Neptune, giving you an insightful mind.

All Cancer Buddhists can do whatever they set their sights on.  Nothing hinders your success, so use that energy skillfully.  Strive to benefit not only yourself but the world and others around you.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
You will have Venus in Leo from the 2nd week onwards.  What may complicate your affection is impulsiveness.  The middle of the month has a strong aspect Uranus and Jupiter.  These three planets will stimulate desires, strong impulsive desires.  Remember, pursuing pleasure is not a cause of happiness.  A peaceful mind gives more satisfaction that chasing happiness.  Use these transits to be affectionate, not needy for pleasure.

All Buddhist with a Leo Sun are powerful beings.  Radiate the warmth you internally possess, but don’t use it to seduce others.  Just be a bright light to people that need a hug and support.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
You have the Neptune, the Sun, Venus and Mercury effecting your sun sign from a distance.  This is an excellent aspect if you do regular meditation on Bodhicitta and Guru Yoga.  Neptune aspects stimulate deep insights and the Sun, Venus and Mercury aspects stimulates intelligent devotion.  Dedicate those feelings toward the path to enlightenment.

All Virgo Buddhists might want to read the biographies of the great masters of the past.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
You are void of planets.  Of course, you and the planets were always empty of inherent existence, but this month you have a double emptiness.  No self-existent nature and no planets!  What works to your advantage are 5 planets, the Sun, Mercury, Venus Mars and Neptune all harmoniously positioned.  This tends to translate into success in action  Just remember to use your intelligence in the decisions you make.  Astrology is only an influence, not the creator of situations.

Libra Buddhists need only be mindful of reckless actions undertaken without forethought.  Whatever you do has potential for success, just go slowly and double-check your motivation occasionally.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Jupiter is in Scorpio and well positioned to Neptune, Venus and Mercury.  The aspect to Neptune is for the whole month.  That stimulates idealism.  The aspect of Venus will apply for the first weeks of June and then Mercury for the last weeks.  Jupiter gives you optimism and the Venus and Mercury aspects stimulate affection and intelligence respectively.  Basically, the whole month should be fine from the astrological point of view.  Just exercise common sense in the decisions you make.

Scorpio Buddhists need only be mindful of their decisions.  Watch your dreams, they may be interesting.  Neptune benefits your dream life and idealism.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
You have no planets directly in your Sun sign but the Sun and Mercury move in opposition to Sagittarius.  This can make you intellectually agitated.  If that happens, just calm down, move your attention to your breathing and release the confusion.   A good sense of calm abiding (Shamata) will always help dispel confusion. This agitation is slightly increased by a square aspect to Neptune.  All of this will dissipate quickly in the second week of June.

Sagittarius Buddhists will be far sighted and imaginative, they just have to temper that with common sense and peacefulness.  Astrology can be useful, even the difficult aspects.  It just depends on your wisdom and compassion.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

You have a quiet beginning to the month with Saturn moving slowly in Capricorn.  In the third week though the Sun will move into opposition to Saturn.  During all this time Saturn is moving retrograde.  That means contemplative meditations are the best for you.  Saturn likes stable situations and it is introspective.  The aspects with the Sun and the retrograde movement of Saturn all are excellent influences for quiet meditation.  Reflect on the meditations of the Gradual Path to Enlightenment.  They are presented to help you have a good life, without excess delusions.

Capricorn Buddhists are normally detached.  This month is a good time to stop and really think about the meaning of your life.  Don’t be judgmental of yourself or others, just be the quiet observer of the nature of things.  Draw positive insight from those meditations.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Mars, with good aspects from Mercury and the Sun stimulate Aquarius to new levels of enthusiasm.  This applies for the first week of June.  The third week things change, and you start feeling the desire for pleasure.  That is because Venus moves opposite Mars and Aquarius.  You will find yourself excited with sensual possibilities.  Make sure what you desire does not cause harm to yourself or others.  Maintain a good sense of morality and you will not have any problems.

Aquarius Buddhists have an excellent social conscience.  Sit back and gain a greater vision of what society currently is offering you.  Intelligent insights can be gained in the first week of June.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
You are void of planets.  Of course, you and the planets were always empty of inherent existence, but this month you have a double emptiness.  No self-existent nature and no planets!  What works to your advantage are three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Jupiter and Saturn are a steady support for you all month.  Venus will just add to that influence in the last week of June.  Basically, be a nice person and have confidence in what you do.  Rely on your Bodhicitta motivation to move you in the right directions.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive individuals.  The aspects are good for you this month.  Don’t worry about the things.  Just move quietly and with confidence.  That is the best.