2016,  Astrology Charts

June 2016

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month you are indirectly blessed with planets in other areas.  Uranus sits quietly in Aries and is free of the square it had with Pluto for many months.   That means mood and temperament will improve.  The last two weeks of June will have the Sun and then Mercury well aspected to Uranus, improving personal energy and then your intellect.  Be positive as usual for the first weeks and then study and share your wisdom in the last two weeks.  Very interesting time.  Keep your eyes and mind open for new growth.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  If you think of yourself as too independent you may fail in your projects.  Remember we are fully interdependent with the world.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month Mercury runs in Taurus.  So intellectual pursuits are stimulating you.   There are good aspects with Pluto and Jupiter during this time.  That means faith (belief) and good energy are added to your communication skills.  If you have a positive mind with a beneficial intention, then all activities can create positive karma.  Granted discussions may become a worldly but with mindfulness you can avoid that fault.

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month look at your own face to see the blemishes.  Don’t look at others, that is too easy and never benefits anyone unless you have strong empathetic compassion.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month is the birthday month.  Don’t forget to send a present to your parents to say thank you for the body you currently have.  Even if they have passed away, do some meditation and send the good energy to them in their new rebirth.  The month starts with a full package of aspects, all square, from Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.  This is not a disaster but you will have to be careful what you try to organize.  Neptune may make you distracted and the Saturn Jupiter aspect can make you fussy and demanding.  Therefore, slow down and do small simple tasks this month.  Your mindfulness and wisdom can overcome any negative effect that tries to confuse you.

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month be mindful of useless energy expenditures.  Pick simple tasks and do them well.  It is a good time to remember the saying, “Being penny wise but dollar foolish.”  Doing small tasks well will build into big projects with time.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month is the birthday month.  Don’t forget to send a present to your parents to say thank you for the body you currently have.  Even if they have passed away, do some meditation and send the good energy to them in their new rebirth.  This month continues to be good.  The Sun and Venus runs in your Sign in the last weeks of June and is supportively positioned with Neptune.  The power you had last month is less (from the astrological side of things) but the ability to work well is still there.  The Sun and Venus together will make you loving and playful.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month is a good time to focus on jobs that need to be done.  You have astrological support to be affectionate and to think clearly about things, so don’t hesitate anymore.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month things are quiet as there are no planets in Leo.  The Sun and Venus help you for the first weeks to make you feel positive and friendly.  Uranus is constructively positioned all month and so these three planets help you get jobs done.  Remember, balance is the key to success in life.  Keep in place your bodhisattva balance between samsara and nirvana and work for the benefit of others.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month keep in mind your altruism and vision for life.  It is a good time to be motivated by what you would like to see accomplished on a large scale, not on personal business.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month life seems so complicated.  Saturn, the Sun and Venus all square Jupiter in Virgo, thus creating an environment of confusion.  You also have Neptune opposite Jupiter and this can cause you to have many illusions.  Therefore, slow down and do simple tasks.  We all need a huge bank account of positive karma.  Building up that account of good energy is accomplished by doing small tasks well.  Later with those successes we can do big projects skillfully too.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month your energy is complicated.  Be mindful to not be impulsive.  Always balance enthusiasm with wisdom.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month there is support from a distance.  The Sun, Venus, Saturn and Uranus all help from their positions around the zodiac.  Those four planets help you be present, skillful and energetic, so use that blessing to accomplish good tasks.  Basically go slowly and be positive.  Things will work out just fine.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  This month be mindful, positive and helpful.  Qualities that are easy for a Libra Sun.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you are full of ambitious energy.  Mars is in Scorpio all month but running retrograde.  That means from our position on earth it appears to be moving backwards.  Mars is a strong planet for activity but in this time it may cause aggressive tendencies arise.  Therefore, be careful not to demand many things from those around you.  Understand the situations you are in and not have many expectations.  Expectations make life problematic.  Just be insightful and supportive to those around you.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month follow your positive desires.  Just be mindful of the force of your desires and monitor the intensity.  Don’t be over bearing.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month you have the Sun and Venus running opposite your sign with a square from Jupiter and Neptune.  That means your desires and ideas are strong but they are difficult to accomplish.  The situation will appear confusing.  Midmonth this will diminish to some extent as the Sun and Venus move forward.  Therefore, at the start of the month do more quietude meditations to keep your mind in check.  Projects are important to work for as long as they don’t agitate you too much.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month organize your mind.  If you forget to be mindful you may become confused.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month you have Pluto stimulating deep feelings and faith.  Therefore, be happy, do good deeds and collect positive karma.  We all need a huge bank account of positive karma.  The good energy of Pluto with constructive aspects from Jupiter and Mercury help facilitate all our actions, whether worldly or divine.  By June 25th be more careful of your motivation.  The Sun and Venus will run opposite Pluto and this could cause agitation.  Be mindful and you will remove all types of interference.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  This month be mindful and slowdown in the first few moments of any action.  Think about your actions first, don’t be impulsive.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you are free of any direct stimulation from the planets.  Aquarius is empty of the bigger planets.   In the last weeks of June, the Sun, Venus and the Moon will all come well aspected to Aquarius and this is beneficial for love and compassion.  Therefore, be mindful all month but put more emphasis on your altruism in the last weeks, it will feel like the right thing to be doing.  This advice is in harmony with the planetary aspects.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month you are social.  You want to help others, that is an excellent motivation.  Remember to let things unfold naturally and don’t try to control samsara, things seldom work out the way we expect.  That is samsara’s nature, unpredictable.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month life seems complicated in the first weeks.  Reason is Neptune is square to the Sun, Venus and Saturn.  Those are not beneficial for success.  Go slowly in the first weeks.  In the last weeks the Sun and Venus will be positively aspected and there is greater opportunity for success, especially in relationships.   Again remember to go slowly in the activities you wish to accomplish, Saturn still sits square to Neptune.  We can follow the wise words of Lama Yeshe, “Slowly, slowly.”    It is a good month, just slow down.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month there is lots of energy but it may agitate you.  Slow down and learn how to let energy flow through you without grasping hold of it.  Remember the words given to Luke Skywalker by Yoda, “The Jedi moves constructively with the force, he does not try to control it.”