2018,  Astrology Charts

July 2018

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month you are empty of direct astrological stimulation, that is Aries is empty of planets.  You do have supportive aspects with Mars, Venus and Mercury.   Therefore, be mindful of what is happening and look for a bigger connection.  Intelligence, affection and will power help you.  Mars is retrograde but the Venus and Mercury counter balance that effect.  Remember, we are all interdependent phenomena so be mindful of those who support you.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month organize your inspired ideas and implement them carefully, be aware moment to moment.  That is the real practice of mindfulness.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month starts with possible confusion as Uranus in Taurus is squared by Mars and Mercury.  That means your ideas about things could be wrong.  This will get more complicated as the month progresses.  Reason is Uranus will be squared by the Sun and continuously by Mars.  So, if it is raining, take a good umbrella and you don’t get wet.  These aspects need extra mindfulness, especially not rushing into situations you are unfamiliar with.  Go slowly and you will not get wet!

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month just go slowly.  Don’t be agitated.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month you are empty of direct astrological stimulation, that is Gemini is empty of planets.  You do have supportive aspects with Mars, Venus and Mercury.   Therefore, be mindful of what is happening and look for a bigger connection.  Intelligence, affection and will power help you.  Mars is retrograde but the Venus and Mercury counter balance that effect.  Remember, we are all interdependent phenomena so be mindful of those who support you.

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month be mindful.  Life is created by our motivation.  Have a good motive and be mindful moment to moment.  That is the best way to live one’s life.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month is the birthday month.  Don’t forget to send a present to your parents to say thank you for the body you currently have.  Even if they have passed away, do some meditation and send the good energy to them in their new rebirth.  This month starts with a blessing as Jupiter and Neptune are well aspected to your Sun.  That means intuition and enthusiasm inspire you.  You may have some great ideas during the first week of July.  Be careful though and think through your decisions carefully.  The end of the second week Uranus will start to square your Sun, and that can mean confusion.  Make sure your ideas are well thought out first, then there will be less confusion as you move into the last weeks of July.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month start off slowly and build up speed in a gradual manner.  You will be successful if you take life step by step.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month is the birthday month.  Don’t forget to send a present to your parents to say thank you for the body you currently have.  Even if they have passed away, do some meditation and send the good energy to them in their new rebirth.  This month starts with a sense of inquiry and spunkiness.  Mercury and Venus are in Leo bestowing intelligence and beauty.  Mercury will be squared slightly at the beginning of the month, so don’t make big decisions then.  Wait for athe second week for those decisions.  As you move towards the end of the month your romantic nature will come alive with an opposition to Venus.  Be careful of illusions but know you have a big universal heart.  Use your bright sparky mind to start some good conversations.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month the energy to do things is there but you may end up with too many ideas.  Settle your mind each time you get too excited.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month you are empty of direct planetary stimulation.  You do have great aspects from Neptune, the Sun and Jupiter though, giving you a nice inspiration.  Therefore, do whatever is necessary and the only thing to add to this is a good motivation to benefit others.  That helps grease the success of any project you initiate.   As you move into the last ten days of the month you will be full of love and affection.  Venus is in Virgo helping you express your positive feelings.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month do whatever seems most beneficial, just be mindful of your energy.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month you are empty of direct astrological stimulation, that is Libra is empty of planets.  You do have supportive aspects with Mars, Venus and Mercury.   Therefore, be mindful of what is happening and look for bigger connections.  Intelligence, affection and will power help you.  Mars is retrograde but the Venus and Mercury counter balance that effect.  Remember, we are all interdependent phenomena so be mindful of those who support you.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  This month go slowly, be mindful and reflective.  It is a great month to have realizations that strike close to the bone.  The Zen bones of reality.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Jupiter starts the month with great aspects to the Sun and Neptune.  That means you have intuition and a good sense of presence to accomplish your tasks.  This only gets better with good aspects from Venus and Neptune in the last two weeks.  This is a good time to share your love with others, write a few poems, send flowers to those you love.  Do the actions of an affectionate Bodhisattva, for the benefit of all.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month be positively passionate.  That means be passionate about your positive activities.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month you, like Taurus and Scorpio, are empty of direct planetary stimulation.  The nice thing is Neptune, Mercury and Venus are well positioned and so you are loving the universe.  Granted this is the astrological side of things not the total picture.  Provided there are no other major disruptive factors in your life things should be playful and pleasant.  The month closes with less of this stimulation, so take advantage of it while it lasts.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month be clear minded about your motivation.  A good motivation can transform any situation.  Remember the 7 Point Mind Transformation texts, “Bring all situations to the Path.”

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month slow down and meditate the whole month.  Saturn is in Capricorn.  That is a great time for being reflective and contemplative, especially on the deeper meaning of your life.  Don’t have many ambitions, just be peaceful, thoughtful and wise.  Saturn benefits from the contemplative nature of Buddhism.  Use it for your benefit.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  This month do just that.  There is no more to say!

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you are prone to be aggressive.  Reason is Mars is retrograde and in bad aspects first to Mercury and then to the Sun.  It is not the end of the world, just be mindful and avoid aggressive situations if you can.  Remember, if it is raining, have an umbrella.  If the astrology is not so good, be extra mindful of your motivation.  Be open to what people have to say and listen.  It is always good to listen twice as much before we talk.   We have two ears and one mouth for that reason.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month your intelligent mindfulness is important.  Use it in productive activities.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month you are inspired and sensual.  The inspiration is the Sun and Jupiter well aspected to Neptune in Pisces.  The sensuality is Venus coming opposite to Neptune in the last weeks of the month.  That is a great aspect for romantics and poets.   Sensuality is your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and body interacting with the world.   This sort of aspect gives you a totally different vision of how things are.  Just be careful of deluding yourself with erroneous ideas.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month work at Bodhicitta and poetry.  Remember, joy in positive actions reinforces them more than any other emotion.