I apologize. I am in France leading a retreat. This is very late. Please forgive me. Big hug to you all and motivate positively to create a good experience no matter what unfolds around you for 2025. Happy New Year 2025 – Jhampa –
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month the effects of astrology mostly involve contemplativeness and insight. Saturn and the Sun will be well aspected in the first 10 days. Therefore, in the first weeks do mindfulness meditation and accumulate positive karma with the prayer of seven branches and other virtuous deeds. The big problem would be assuming a critical and judgmental attitude. Compassion and contemplativeness are excellent balances to remove the harsh side of these influences. Later in the month Uranus and the Sun are well aspected, which gives you nice spontaneity.
Aries Buddhists are motivators. This month organize a good meditation schedule. It is the middle of the winter and a good time to stay home, meditate and gather the forces of virtue.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month you have good aspects from the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. These effect your sign to be contemplative, loving and sincere. What might be problematic is you are too idealistic. Therefore, be thoughtful about life and reflect on the suffering nature of samsara. These meditations will spontaneously generate compassion. Be careful of taking your compassion too far and becoming impractical. We are starting a new year, good to motivate constructively.
Taurus Buddhists are practical. This month stay at home and meditate. Call on your Aries friends and invite them over for a meditation weekend. It is a good time for dharma discussion and group meditations.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month things are slow for the first two weeks. The month starts with Jupiter (in your sign) squaring Saturn. Do not make too many plans during this time. Then you will notice a change in your attitude and a stronger feeling of confidence and certainty. This is caused by the Sun moving into a beneficial position. You might consider staying home and cleaning the house for the first weeks of January. Say the prayer Buddha gave one monk to repeat as he swept the temple floor. “I remove the dust of delusion. I remove the dust of negative imprints.” At the end of the month you will feel very good.
Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month organize yourself for the upcoming year. Schedule the calendar year and clearly set aside time for study and retreats.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month the Sun together with Mercury run in opposition to your sign for the first few weeks. Therefore don’t expect to be clear minded. You will feel doubtful and even slightly uncomfortable with events around you. Maintain your peace of mind and recognize that doubts can have a positive effect. If we investigate our doubts thoroughly, we can come to a more confident position. It is the start of a new year, motivate constructively, remember, we are in samsara but we are lucky, we have the Dharma.
Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month contemplate on course and subtle impermanence. Keep in mind that all components of our physical and emotional life fall under the power of impermanence.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month Mars is in your sign and moving retrograde. The effect is the sensation of being blocked or obstructed. Watch this sensation and by the twentieth of the month you may have some excellent realizations. Mars’s positive effects blossom with reflective meditations, so contemplate on the dissatisfactory nature of samsara. This helps remove expectations that life should always be wonderful. Life is wonderful, but only if you have the right attitude.
Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month hold back on big projects and ambitious goals. Success comes to those with an abundance of positive karma. Gather the forces of a positive attitude for now, action can come later.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month things have improved as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and Uranus are all beneficially positioned to your sign. There are no planets directly in your sign but from a distance these other planets lend support. Therefore, strive to accomplish tasks that involve a group effort. You will find more success if you realize life is a play of interdependent factors. It is the start of a new year, set up a good motivation to deal with whatever comes your way. Bring all situations into the Pathl.
Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month reflect on Bodhicitta. This works very well with the meditations of equalizing self and others and realizing that we all want happiness and similarly dislike suffering.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month you have great astrological influences to be reflective and contemplative. The Sun and Mercury are square your sign. This means you should slow down and just let things unfold without trying to control them. It is January and the year lies before you. Organize your thoughts and goals. Do some Guru Yoga meditations and draw on the positive inspiration you receive from their supportive influence.
Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. This month the balance is there so utilize the positive time to meditate without distraction. An organized life has focus.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you are full of energy but maybe a little distracted. Uranus is opposite your sign for the whole month and so you could get distracted. The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus are constructively positioned so you may be motivated beneficially. Check up before you act. You have lots of energy, so the issue is clarifying your goals. It is a new year and you will be excited to do something positive.
Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month the energy is there but is there sufficient wisdom to make good decisions? Be mindful moment to moment and make sure you are in harmony with the law of cause and effect.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month has a strong sense of divine inspiration. Jupiter is opposite to your sign for the month of January. The middle of the month things change and calm down. That is because a Saturn square to Jupiter stops influencing you. Meditate on your motivation. What is your motive when you get out of bed? What is your motive for a meaningful life? Think about these things.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. This month meditate on your motive as we described above. A meaningful life is accomplished by the actions you do, not speculative thinking.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
This month is your birthday month. Have you ever considered sending a gift to your parents thanking them for this rebirth? Appreciating your parents and supporting them is the cause of powerful positive karma. Even if they are difficult people, you can still be nice to them. You are a dharma practitioner, use the dharma to resolve your issues and then approach them with a warm feeling. The Buddha dharma is supposed to help us be better people and starting with our family is a good place. This should not be difficult as you have the Sun and Mercury helping you this month. Be slightly careful of being judgmental though as Saturn is square these planets. This is where love and compassion help remove the negative influences coming from Saturn.
Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate decisions. This month enjoy the birthday party and set a firm motivation to be a source of positive thoughtful action for your family. Although astrology is an influence, your positive motivation is more powerful!
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month is your birthday month. Have you ever considered sending a gift to your parents thanking them for this rebirth? Appreciating your parents and supporting them is the cause of powerful positive karma. Even if they are difficult people you can still be nice to them. You are a dharma practitioner, use the dharma to resolve your issues and then approach them with a warm feeling. The Buddha dharma is supposed to help us be better people and starting with our family is a good place.
This month your energy is a little shaky. The reason is Pluto in your sign is opposite a retrograde Mars. Just go. This month you could have too much energy with the movement of Mars, and so you may feel scattered. Do breathing meditation and know your motivation is the real creator of your experiences, nothing else.
Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month watch out for chasing desires. Do breathing meditation and keep calm. Motivate constructively and all will go well.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month life relaxes as Venus, Saturn and Neptune are in your sign giving you good energy. Therefore relax and do some peaceful contemplative meditations. The month may start a little difficult as the Sun will move square to Saturn, but it finishes quickly. You have good aspects with Uranus to give you a liberal attitude about things happening around you. You had a busy month in December, so this is a good time to relax and be peaceful. Enjoy tranquility when it is available.
Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month relax and be a calm and helpful person. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, “A good heart is the essence of all Buddhist practice.”
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