2017,  Astrology Charts

February 2017


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month you have the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all sit harmoniously aspected to Uranus and Mars in Aries.   The meaning of this is your wisdom, good will and intelligence work beneficially for you.  Use those qualities to benefit others and you can add this astrological influence to your Dharma practice.  The last ten days will be very powerful with Mars and Uranus conjunct with aspects to Jupiter and Saturn.  That will mean a big increase of personal energy and power.  Use it skillfully!

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month have some projects you wish to complete lined up.  You will have a lot of power and capacity, use it well.


TAURUS (April 20 May 20)

This month is complicated with squares from the Sun and Mercury, so exercise mindful awareness of the faults of samsara.  Samsara is unreliable and if our mind is confused it will always bring suffering.  Astrology is not the cause of our suffering, it merely adds to the situations we are in.  Most of the ten planets in the zodiac are not aspected to Taurus, so this is not a bad month for you.  Just be mindful of getting confused if things happen quickly.


Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical. This month think about activity twice before you act.  Wisdom and compassion should always motivate your actions.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

This month the Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter all sit harmoniously aspected to Gemini.  That means your good will and abilities work beneficially.  Use those qualities to benefit others and then the influences become part of your dharma practice.  The last ten days has Mars, Venus and Uranus conjunct and are well aspected to Gemini.  That will mean a big increase of personal energy.  Use it well.


Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month use your positive desires to be helpful.  The month is very positive for you, so dedicate yourself to constructive activities.


CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

This month nothing is happening directly in your sign.  Most planets are at odd angles, so again no major influences.  You do have Pluto in opposition with some squares from Mars and Venus.  Those can affect your deeper feelings and mood.  You might consider Guru Yoga meditations like Guru Padmasambhava that involve faith and devotion.  This is a constructive use of the passion of your deeper feelings.


Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month motivate with a clear mind.  Your feelings play a big role in your life but it is important to also reflect on the significance of things with your intelligence.


LEO (July 23 – August 22)

This month life is very energetic.  The Sun and Mercury are opposite your Sun sign.  You may enter February with some trepidation.  You can find yourself too busy with many things to accomplish but not enough time.  Slow down and do one thing at a time.  The reason for this advice is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Venus are all well aspected to Leo.  The problem is the opposition of the Sun and Mercury.  Those influences distract you from accomplishing your good intentions.


Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month start actions with a clear motivation and the expectation that if something is beneficial for you and others it takes time to manifest.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month is quiet until the last week.  Then the Sun, Neptune and Mercury will run opposite to Virgo.  Organize your intentions at the start of the month and then let samsara unfold without expectations.  No one controls samsara, remember that.  The month could end with some interesting dreams and intuitions.  Enjoy them as they manifest.


Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month have no expectations about orderliness and you will do well.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

This month the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Uranus all sit harmoniously aspected to Libra.  That means your good will (Jupiter in Libra) will be greatly stimulated.  Use all those positive influences to benefit others.  You have a lot of good energy.  The last ten days will have Mars, Uranus and Venus conjunct and opposite to Jupiter in Libra, that is a powerful set of influences.  Be careful of rushing into new projects without checking up first.


Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. This month balance inner wisdom with outer action.  Your outer actions will be very busy.


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

This month it might be good to slow down and double check your intention.  The reason is Mercury and the Sun sit square your Sun sign.  Exercise mindful awareness of the faults of samsara.  Samsara is unreliable and if our mind is confused it will always bring suffering.  Astrology is not the cause of our suffering, it merely adds to the situations we are in.  Most of the ten planets in the zodiac are not aspected to Scorpio, so this is not a bad month for you.  Just be mindful of getting confused if things happen quickly


Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month slow down.  That’s all.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

This month the Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter all sit harmoniously aspected to Saturn in Sagittarius.  That means your wisdom and abilities work well for you.  The reason is Saturn is a planet of wisdom, especially for Buddhists.  Going slowly and checking up are the qualities Saturn can offer a practitioner.  Use those qualities to benefit others and influence of your Dharma practice.  The last ten days has Mars, Venus and Uranus conjunct and are well aspected to Saturn.  That will mean a big increase of personal energy.  Use it well.



CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

This month Pluto runs in your Sign with squares to Jupiter and Mars.  The influence can mean an intensity of deep feelings pervade you.  This can apply to areas of faith and devotion.  Do Guru Yoga meditations, especially Guru Rinpoche practices and you can use the beneficial influences of Pluto.  Be a little careful of inappropriate desire in the last days of the month.  Venus is square Pluto at that time and you might be indulgent.


Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions. This month reflect on some nice thing you would like to do in the last week of the month.  What you think can manifest into reality. Have good thoughts if you wish for good results.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

This is the birthday month.  Offer thanks to your parents for giving you this rebirth.  They are the ones that really deserve the presents.  You would not have met the dharma or the great teachers if you did not have this body.  It is a good time to rejoice and offer thanks to all that supports you.  This month is great for being busy.  The Sun transits most of the month with good aspects to Mars, Saturn and Uranus.  That gives you will power, spontaneity and wisdom.  Use them well, not just for yourself but for others too.


Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month shine like the Sun at midday.  It is your birthday; share the good energy with everyone.


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

This is the birthday month.  Offer thanks to your parents for giving you this rebirth.  They are the ones that really deserve the presents.  You would not have met the dharma or the great teachers if you did not have this body.  It is a good time to rejoice and offer thanks to all that supports you.  This month your mind will get a nice inspiration of intuition.  As February closes the Sun will come conjunct Neptune, your spiritual pole.  That can stimulate dreams and visions.  Enjoy them and mix them with altruism and they will bless you.


Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month balance your mental activity with both mindfulness and imagination.  Mindfulness to be aware of your feelings and intuition to expand your positive feelings.