December 2024
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month starts slowly no planets in Aries. As time passes though the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto will all be harmoniously aspected to Aries. Those are secondary aspects but add to the energy of Aries. Do positive things and know that in the background there is good energy supporting you.
Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month do anything you feel drawn towards. It is a good month to accomplish positive actions, as it is Christmas and that is a time of love and compassion. Or at least it should be focused on that.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month you just have Uranus moving quietly though Taurus. This is a good opportunity to mention that life is not just your astrology chart. The more mindful and aware you are, the more you have freedom from all aspects of influence. For example, the male and female Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are part of the world and involved in the interplay of influences, but they remain clear minded and of a beneficial nature. Keep this in mind and you will find inspiration to live a meaningful life. Uranus gives you a nice sense of spontaneity and freedom. Utilize the blessing while available.
Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical. This month do breathing meditations focus in a good motive for each day. Basically, chasing desires are fleeting moments of illusory bliss. Even if we attain our desires, they will not remain forever.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month there continues to be a high possibility of feeling over energized. Mercury and the Sun are running in opposition to your Sun sign. Basically, it means ideas have powerful energy behind them. Don’t let your thoughts run wild. You also have Saturn square to Jupiter and that means you could feel confused of how to express what you are thinking. It is a good time to know you have lots of good ideas but need the right time to express them. Don’t be in a rush. You will complicate the situation.
Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. This month use your powerful intellect to influence people in a positive direction. In the later weeks of December be careful of being too busy as Christmas Day approaches.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month things are quiet. Cancer is empty of planets and only at the end of the month will the Sun come opposite your sun sign. Do whatever seems positive. Remember it is Christmas and a good time to do good deeds. Help the poor and less fortunate. Be the Bodhisattva you pray to be and help the world be a better place.
Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month move your feelings to the intuitive level. Let a vision or inner sense of clarity inspire you. Things that happen may have links and connections far beyond your normal vision of reality.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month is basically requires good mindfulness. Pluto is opposite Mars in your Sun sign of Leo. Pluto effects our deeper emotional life and our body. Mars effects or stimulates the desire to act forcefully. You can use this aspect positively with activities that require a lot of dedication. Negatively you might want to be aware of your body and changes taking place. Pluto can only effect you if you have the causes for physical problems. If you take care of your diet and exercise you limit negative influences. The last days of December are going to be very powerful as Mars comes fully opposite Pluto. Be more mindful during that time.
Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This month move gracefully and use your good energy to help others. Be mindful of trying to accomplish too much, slow down when those feelings come.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month there are no planets in your Sun sign. This is a good opportunity to mention that life is not just your astrology chart. The more mindful and aware you are, the more you have freedom from all aspects of influence. For example the male and female Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are part of the world and involved in the interplay of influences but they remain clear minded and of a beneficial nature. Keep this in mind and you will find inspiration to live a meaningful life. What you do have is the Sun and Jupiter square to Virgo and Saturn and Neptune opposite. That just means secondary influences might cause some problems. Be mindful and positive. Even if things don’t go quite the way you expect them to, just roll with the waves and be helpful.
Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month review your motivation and aspirations. It is always good to review what one is doing to ensure it is meaningful and progressive for your deeper, heartfelt goals.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month there are no planets in Libra. You do have the Sun and Mercury opposite Jupiter and well aspected to your sun sign. That is a lot of energy and intelligence stimulating you. In the first two weeks of December definitely slow down as the effect will be strongest then. It is not a bad aspect if you are mindful and present to the moment. Just have good motivation and allow samsara to unfold naturally around you. Balance samsara and nirvana in each moment, the middle path.
Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. Balance your normal sense of understanding situations with the fact that no one can predict anything. Samsara means life is chaotic. Make sure good intentions play a role in your decisions.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you have Uranus giving you a sense of freedom and spontaneity. It is opposite to Scorpio but there are no negative aspects to Uranus. The month will be pleasant from the astrological point of view. It would be good to increase this beneficial effect with meditations of Bodhicitta, love and compassion. It is like the wind being at your back, it propels you on your journey. Use this time well as it is the month of goodwill to all.
Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. This month you are free of passion, so use the time skillfully. Make your decisions work in harmony with your greater goals.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month is your birthday. Don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. Even if they have passed away, you can do a deeply appreciative meditation for the benefit of them. The Sun and Mercury are running quickly through your sign. The first weeks of December may be full of good ideas and inspiration. Be a little careful of distractions that are not useful at this time. It is a good month, just be mindful. It is Christmas, be a Bodhisattva for the benefit of all.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. This month do not move on your inspirations too quickly, rather observe them first. It is a good time to develop insight into the nature of enthusiasm and that requires a peaceful moment for the insight to develop.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
This month is your birthday month. Don’t forget to send a card to your parents to thank them for this rebirth. Even if they have passed away, you can do a deeply appreciative meditation for the benefit of them. You have good aspects for being helpful. This is because Venus is supported by a good aspect from Neptune in the first week of December. The influence is beneficial for warm hearted meditations, especially because it is Christmas time! Just be careful of distractions caused by the Uranus square during this same time. The whole influence will not last long. Venus will move quickly.
Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate decisions. For this month just be loving, peaceful and generous. That is the Christmas spirit, and you have lots of it.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month you continue to have Pluto in Aquarius with a short opposition from Mars. The first weeks could have a sense of pressure building. That means thoughtful activity is important. The last weeks of December the feeling gets stronger. Therefore, be thoughtful of what you plan to do. What is a good activity? Be a Bodhisattva and help others to be happy. Offer love and peace to the world. That is the Christmas spirit.
Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month be the Bodhisattva you always wanted to be. Just do it.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month starts with agitation. That is because Saturn in your Sun Sign is squared by the Sun and Jupiter. It is not the end of the world, but you do have to exercise mindfulness. Be careful of impulsive spending and reckless activity. Slow down and be mindful, you are like a firecracker ready to go off in any direction unexpectedly. During the month be careful of misunderstanding the intentions of others. Just be peaceful and kindhearted. That solves many problems.
Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. This month be peaceful, happy and useful around the Christmas table. Prior to Christmas be mindful of your intentions.