• 2022,  February

    February 2022

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Aries is empty of planets but has a good aspect from the Sun, Saturn and finaly Mercury.  These are good aspects for meditation.  Saturn benefits a great deal from regular meditation as it supports wisdom and patience.  If we move slowly into new activities with awareness and wisdom, we make few errors.  The aspects support confidence and understanding, therefore regular meditation will enhance the influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month cultivate good relationships.  Meditations on love and compassion are excellent supports to the development of personal good qualities and good friendships. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month Uranus…

  • 2022,  January

    January Happy New Year

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are empty of planets but have some distractions from another sign.  The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all square Aries from Virgo.  That is not a big problem, just be careful of frustration.  The reason is Venus and Pluto stimulate feelings and they are square.  So discordant feelings could arise.  Now Astrology does not make you unhappy, a lack of mindfulness and a difficult situation are needed and then astrological influences can come in and make the situation seem worse.  So be mindful, wise and attentive and you will be fine.  Our practice is the best protection from everything that happens…

  • December

    December 2021

    Buddhist Astrology ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month primarily has no planets in your sign.  You do have the Sun, Mercury and finally Mars well aspected from Sagittarius.  Those are secondary aspects but help you feel energized and intelligent.  As the month ends those feeling will diminish as those points of stimulation move on.  Remember, all is impermanent and changing, so take advantage of the good influences when they are available.  Most important is to be flexible and with a good attitude.  That helps all situations.   Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month aid those around you as they prepare for the big holiday parties.  …

  • 2021,  November

    November 2021

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you have a nice stable mind. You have Mercury and the Moon briefly opposite Aries. A flair of compassionate intelligence. Don’t expect that astrology is always playing a role in your life. You are influenced my many things on different levels, but your awareness and wisdom always filter the situations. Keep wisdom and mindfulness in good condition and your life is comfortable. Be careful as the month ends as Venus, Pluto and the Moon will run opposite Aries. That just means emotions will run higher than normal, but your wisdom will keep it all under control. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.…

  • Libra
    2021,  Astrology Charts,  October

    October 2021

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun, Mars and Mercury all opposite your Sun sign. That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled. Mars’s influence makes you agitated and Mercury could cause you to have doubts. As Aries likes to be active and motivated, I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions. The month could be full of activities that lack focus and therefore are not fulfilling or satisfying. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month slow down and review your motives. Contemplate on meaningful actions and practice mindfulness when distraction arises.   TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month has the feeling…

  • September,  Uncategorized

    September 2021

    Buddhist Astrology September ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month starts slowly but with a lot of thoughts.  Reason is Mercury will be opposite all month and that stimulates your communication skills and intellect.  The last two weeks has Mars and the Sun conjunct to give you a big boost of energy.  So think about what is good to accomplish in the first two weeks and dedicate yourself to that positive action in the last two weeks.  You have the energy, use it well. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month practice the basics of meditation: mindfulness and awareness.  Whether its astrology or a situation at work, it…

  • August

    August 2021

    August 2021 Buddhist Astrology Report ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Aries is empty of planets.  That means if things are happening, it does not have a lot to do with astrology.  Remember, your awareness, wisdom and compassion are the real creators of your life and experience.  What you do have with is beneficial is the Sun and Mercury well aspected from Leo for three weeks.  That means your mind will be quite clear.  So enjoy August and be a nice person, beneficial to all. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month motivate to be mindful with good will.  The more you study Bodhicitta, the wish to…

  • July

    July 2021

    Buddhist Astrology Monthly Update ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you have no planets in your sign, but you do have the big asteroid Chiron.  That often means you will have a challenge you must meet.  The Sun is square for the month as it moves through Cancer, so although the influences on you are very minor, do be careful.  If there is some issue or problem you have faced over many years in your life, these aspects might trigger it to arise again.  So be mindful, practice your appropriate level of morality and have good intentions to benefit all.  That will purify any problem that might come…

  • June

    June 2021

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are indirectly blessed with planets in other areas.  The first two weeks of June will have the Sun and Mercury well aspected to Aries, improving personal energy and then your intellect.  Mercury is moving retrograde and so be careful of miscommunication.  Good mindfulness and wisdom will prevent that effect on you.  Be positive for the first weeks and then study and share your wisdom in the last two weeks.  Interesting time.  Keep your eyes and mind open for new growth. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  If you think of yourself as too independent, you may fail in your projects.  Remember…

  • 2021,  Astrology Charts

    May 2021

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is a quiet time.  There are 10 planets in our solar system to consider but for Aries all are at odd angles and so just slightly distracting.  Jupiter does support Aries from a distance and so doing things with the support of others would be a good idea.  Just be clear minded and do whatever seems right and there should be no problem.  Remember, as a Buddhist our awareness, wisdom and compassion are the real creators of our life.  All else is just an influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  For this month just double check your motivation.  Does it benefit…