October 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Things are more lively for you. The Sun runs in opposition thus stimulating you to search for things to do. The effect can be distracting as it is an opposition aspect directly with Uranus. I would recommend slowing down and relaxing. This applies for the first week of October. After that things will calm down. This effect on you is not a question of stress rather you may be scattered in the activities you try to accomplish at this time. Aries Buddhists are motivators. This month may appear busy so practice equanimity regarding the outcome of your actions. Use the Buddhist axiom, “To the…
September 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is running in Aries and square Jupiter and Pluto. What is nice is by the end of the month this is finishing. So what does that mean? Well being jumpy or agitated as an astrological influence will diminish. If you were a bit moody, that will also finish. So all in all, things will start to lighten up by month’s end. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month you can spread your wings and soar in the space of reality. Use your strong imagination to see good things. Your good intensions will be obvious to all if you do this.…
August 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is not so quiet. Uranus in running retrograde in Aries and squire to Mars and Jupiter in the first weeks of August. I would recommend being mindful of the causes of anger. Reason being the Uranus square could cause you to lash out suddenly because of anger. Mindfulness is a wonderful resource to protect you from reacting negatively to whatever stimulation you meet. In this case you are a little more sensitive to aggression. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month motivate to be mindful with good will. The more you study Bodhicitta, the wish to benefit all universal sentient beings,…
Astrology Report July 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Uranus in your sign is putting some strong effects on you. Square Pluto and the Sun for the first week and Pluto, Mercury and Jupiter in the last 10 days. So I would recommend going slowly with activities. Health could be effected if you already have the seeds of illness. Astrology can’t create an illness but it might help something manifest. So slow down, take care of yourself and don’t make big plans. Things will get out of hand quickly if you move too fast. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month motivate to be quiet and peaceful. Be the true definition of…
June 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month things are getting better. The Pluto squaring Uranus is finishing as Uranus moves forward. So if things have been a little heavy that will be lightening up more and more. Do expect the unexpected as Uranus transiting in Aries means exciting or surprising things may manifest. If you are young maybe expect the surprises. If you are past your forties then expect a change for the better. That does depend on your awareness, wisdom and compassion though. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. I would recommend meditations on active expressions of love and compassion. That means in the morning motivate with a…
May 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is solidly squared by Pluto and this will continue for the whole month. Astrology can only effect you for two reasons. One is you lack awareness and are just reactive to whatever stimulation is present. The second is you have some karmic seeds that are ripening and the planetary influences can increase that effect. So Pluto can effect mood, temperament, metabolism, hormones and your health. Therefore just be more careful with your mood and health. If something ripens do what is necessary to fix it. Whatever is effecting us can equally be effected back by our attitude and actions. Aries Buddhists…
April 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month is powerful with spring energy and your birthday. Think about honoring your parents this birthday instead of expecting presents from them. They gave you a body, so say thank you to them for the rebirth you currently enjoy. As for planetary influences, What is excellent for you is a good aspect with Mars and Venus for most of the month. Therefore will power and affection are available for your activities. You have come out of a phase of erratic activity with Uranus conjunct the Sun but that is now finishing. Enjoy the good times. Aries Buddhists are motivators. This month moisturize your…
March 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is the birthday month. What is incredible is 5 planets are presently in Pisces. They are in the next sign over but by the 20th they will arrive in Aries. So for the first part of the month you are energetic with Uranus and after the 20th, very energetic. Mars and the Sun will conjunct Uranus then with Venus coming up quickly behind them. So organize yourself now so when all that energy hits you things are in order. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month just organize yourself as by month end you will not just be motivated, you will…
February 2013
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus continues to travel through Aries. What is nice for the first week is a great aspect with Venus and Jupiter. Therefore do something fun with friends, lovers or family. Be careful of getting indigestion as Pluto squares Uranus but at a wide angle. So as long as you eat carefully you will not have any problems. Jupiter and Uranus will be well aspected all month and so your energy is up all this time. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month cultivate good relationships and do things that help others. You have good energy so share it. TAURUS (April 20…
January 2013 – HAPPY NEW YEAR
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is moving forward in Aries and so stimulating you to new horizons. At the start of the month go slowly as Uranus is squared by the Sun, Mercury and Pluto. As you move towards the end of month things will lighten up and other than maybe feeling a bit heavy with wintertime all will be good. When I say go slowly in the first week I mean don’t be jumpy or agitated by the unexpected. Be mindful and of good cheer. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month do as I suggest above. Of course you should always be mindful…