• 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    April 2015

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month is powerful with spring energy and your birthday. Think about honoring your parents this birthday instead of expecting presents from them. They gave you a body, so say thank you to them for the rebirth you currently enjoy. As for planetary influences, What is excellent for you is a good aspect with the Sun, Uranus and Mercury for most of the month. Therefore a brilliant mind is available for your activities. Although the Sun and Uranus are conjunct in the first week of April it is not a problem as Jupiter and Saturn support that conjunction. Those planets give energy and stability…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    March 2015

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month it is your birthday and you are full of energy with Mars, Venus and Uranus all conjunct in Aries and well aspected to Jupiter for the first weeks. That means a willful excited expression of love and desire. Be careful what you desire though as Pluto is square to these planets. Be mindful of over emphasizing physical desires and then indulging in them. You are full of energy but you need to use it in positive directions. The recitation of the mantra of Vajrapani will remove negative astrological influences. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month you can start by sharing…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    February 2015

    FEBRUARY 2015 ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you have the Sun and Mercury sitting harmoniously aspected to Uranus in Aries in the first weeks of the month. This means the Uranus is supported by confidence and your mind. Mercury is moving retrograde though, and so be careful of miscommunication. The last ten days will have Mercury moving forward and giving better intellectual assistance to Uranus. Jupiter will also be supportive to Uranus which uplifts your personal energy significantly. Use the stimulation well. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month do quietude meditations in the first weeks and then contemplative meditations in the last weeks of February.…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    January 2015

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month both Uranus and Pluto are moving forward astrologically and so the square continues.   I have been commenting on this for ages but the good news is Uranus is faster than Pluto and so the effect will diminish more and more.  The month starts intensively with the Sun and Pluto together to square Uranus in Aries.  Just be mindful and take three breaths before acting.  The month ends nicely with Uranus and Jupiter coming trine and so good energy awaits you in the last ten days. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month mindfulness and tranquility are the principle practices to maintain.…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    December 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month starts slowly with the square of Pluto to Uranus which has been effecting you for months. It will get more complicated by the end of the second week as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto will all be square to Aries. So definitely slow down, do lots of breathing meditation and be mindful. It is not the end of the world but if you act out impulsive thoughts things will get complicated. Just be careful of being distracted if you focus on the negative things in life. The aspect makes you emotional. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month deep feelings…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    November 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month of November continues with a Uranus Pluto square.  That can effect you to be grumpy.   What is nice is in the last two weeks the Sun and Venus come well aspected to Uranus and lift your energy up.   Therefore this month meditate and contemplate more on the meaning of the Dharma and the significance of your life.   A good question to ask is, “What legacy am I leaving behind me?”  This helps organize your intentions for the future.  Don’t be self critical as this would be taking a good opportunity and making it bad. Aries Buddhists are motivators.  This month Guru Yoga…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    October 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun, Venus and Mercury all opposite your Sun sign.  That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled.  This is even stronger for you because Uranus is in Aries, so expect the unexpected.  What can help is Mercury’s assistance in contemplative meditations.  As Aries likes to be active and motivated I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions.  The month could be full of activities that lack focus if you act without forethought.   Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month slow down and review your motives.  Contemplate on meaningful actions and practice mindfulness when distraction arises.  …

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    September 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month has things quieter for you. Jupiter and Uranus are well aspected and the Pluto square if finishing. Thus you may find things that bothered you in August are diminishing. The Jupiter Uranus aspect is good as it improves as the month progresses. So Jupiter (enthusiasm) and Uranus (spontaneity) benefit each other and you will be full of good energy as the fall season approaches. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month your enthusiasm will grow day by day as the month continues. Be mindful of a good attitude and where you place your attention. That guarantees a good month. TAURUS (April…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    August 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month things are getting better.  The square of Uranus to Pluto and Venus is wider and therefore the stress of emotional upsets is small.  The summer has arrived for the northern hemisphere and the pleasures of these months is available.  Enjoy time with family and friends.  Life is not as unpredictable as in the previous months. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month motivate to be clear minded and full of good will.  The more you study Bodhicitta, the wish to benefit all universal sentient beings, the better quality of motive will arise within your heart and mind. TAURUS (April 20 May…

  • 2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

    July 2014

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you have Uranus in Aries but squaring the Sun for a week.  Take into consideration the summer has started, it is hot and you may have some projects in mind.  This aspect basically means you should be careful of being in a rush.  You could be prone to trying to do things quickly and then be upset with the bad results.  Slow down! Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month have no motive, just be aware in each moment.  That is the real practice of mindfulness. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month you are empty of direct astrological stimulation, that…