February 2016
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is in Aries. Therefore, I would be open minded for new and different things to happen. Uranus is always a stimulating planet and if one has a rigid attitude then Uranus can be disruptive. If one is open to change, then Uranus is a blessing as it stimulates totally new perspectives on existing situations. This month is not good as Mercury, Venus and Pluto all square Uranus. Therefore, be extra mindful of rash ideas or desires. Patience is a good virtue but it needs situations like this to develop its qualities. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month mindfulness is…
January 2016
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is moving forward in Aries and so stimulating you to new horizons. At the start of the month go slowly as Uranus is squared by the Sun and Pluto. As you move towards the end of month things will lighten up and other than maybe feeling a bit grumpy or sad with wintertime blues, all will be good. When I say go slowly in the first week I mean don’t be jumpy or agitated by the unexpected. Be mindful and of good cheer. At the end of the month lighten up with one of those light stimulators you can buy on…
December 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Mercury and Pluto are square your Sun sign adding to the opposition of Uranus in Aries to Mars in Libra. This is an interesting aspect as it increases energy, thought and feelings. A sense of powerful profound thought may pervade you. Just be careful of being distracted if you focus on the negative things in life. If you lose mindfulness there is a strong possibility of mental confusion. The best way to protect yourself is to be familiar with quietude meditations where you can invoke a sense of peace when you feel confusion arising. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month…
November 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) The month of November has Venus coming in opposition to Uranus in Aries. Venus is the astrological stimulation to sensuality. That is form and color, sound, smell, taste and sensation. Uranus will stimulate that with spontaneity. Therefore it is important to have a good sense of ethics and altruism. The ethics protects you from doing this harmful to others and the altruism inspires the sensuality to strive for higher goals. It is a good aspect if you are mindful not to chase meaningless desires. Aries Buddhists are motivators. This month Vajrasattva meditations would be beneficial. Heruka Vajrasattva and Consort are a manifestation of an…
October 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month sees the Sun and Mercury are opposite Uranus in your Sun sign. That can mean you feel distracted and unsettled. If you exercise good mindfulness this aspect is not a problem. It means a lot of energy. As Aries likes to be active and motivated I would recommend you slow down and review your intentions. The month could be full of activities that lack focus if you act without forethought. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month slow down and review your motives. Contemplate on meaningful actions and practice mindfulness when distraction arises. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This…
September 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)This month Uranus is moving backwards in your sign. That can mean things seem confusing to you. There is a beneficial aspect with Mars and Venus which increases personal power and attraction but when mixed with Uranus’s retrograding movement you have to be careful of misunderstanding things. This will increase in the last ten days of September as Mercury will be opposite to Uranus. The sum total of these effects can make you feel scattered but energetic to solve problems before you. . Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month practice the basics of meditation: awareness, wisdom and compassion. Whether its astrology or a…
August 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is not so quiet. Uranus in running retrograde in Aries and squire to Mars in the first week of August. I would recommend being mindful of the causes of anger. Reason being the Uranus square could cause you to lash out suddenly because of anger. Mindfulness is a wonderful resource to protect you from reacting negatively to whatever stimulation you meet. In this case you are a little more sensitive to aggression. After the 10th of August you are in a much better mood, in fact excited about life with Uranus well aspected to the Sun, Venus and Mercury. Aries Buddhists love…
July 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Well it is a good month to stop most of what you strive for and relax. The last three weeks there is an influence where an aggressive attitude could cause problems. The Sun first and later Mars will be square to Uranus in Aries. This is a good set of aspects for the Perfection of Patience. It is not a good time to be focused on personal goals as you are too intense. The reason is your mind has the possibility of being impulsive with the Sun squaring Uranus and then aggressive with the square to Mars. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This…
June 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month is very energetic. The whole month Uranus will be well aspected to the Sun and Mars. Those elements are complimentary to each other as all are fire planets. I feel Uranus qualifies as a Fire Planet in case you were wondering. Thus expect to be busy for June. The last two weeks are going to be excellent as Jupiter and Venus will be conjunct in Leo and well aspected to Aries. Plan to do something romantic or pleasurable. The greatest pleasure though is sharing good experiences with others, so plan an activity involving others. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. I would…
May 2015
ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Uranus is moving out of its square to Pluto and this will continue for the whole month. Astrology can only effect you for two reasons. One is you lack awareness and are just reactive to whatever stimulation is present. The second is you have some karmic seeds that are ripening and the planetary influences can increase that effect. So Pluto can effect mood, temperament, metabolism, hormones and your health. Therefore just be more careful with your mood and health. If something ripens do what is necessary to fix it. Whatever is effecting us can equally be effected back by our attitude and…