• 2022,  February

    February 2022

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month Aries is empty of planets but has a good aspect from the Sun, Saturn and finaly Mercury.  These are good aspects for meditation.  Saturn benefits a great deal from regular meditation as it supports wisdom and patience.  If we move slowly into new activities with awareness and wisdom, we make few errors.  The aspects support confidence and understanding, therefore regular meditation will enhance the influence. Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This month cultivate good relationships.  Meditations on love and compassion are excellent supports to the development of personal good qualities and good friendships. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) This month Uranus…

  • 2022,  January

    January Happy New Year

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19) This month you are empty of planets but have some distractions from another sign.  The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all square Aries from Virgo.  That is not a big problem, just be careful of frustration.  The reason is Venus and Pluto stimulate feelings and they are square.  So discordant feelings could arise.  Now Astrology does not make you unhappy, a lack of mindfulness and a difficult situation are needed and then astrological influences can come in and make the situation seem worse.  So be mindful, wise and attentive and you will be fine.  Our practice is the best protection from everything that happens…