2016,  Astrology Charts

August 2016

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This month the big thing is Uranus in Aries well aspected to first Venus and then the Sun.  Those are very nice aspects.   So to make the description simple, you will feel romantically spontaneous in the first week of August and personally liberated in the last two weeks.  Uranus has been effecting you for several years but during this August it is helping you feel free and playful.

Aries Buddhists love to be motivators.  This summer maybe be the implementer of some exciting fun activities.  Aries individuals are quick to stimulate others, so inspire your family and friends to enjoy the good times.

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month the Sun is square your sign for most of the month.  If you are not mindful it could turn into anger.  That is the main point with “Buddhist Astrology.”  Your mindfulness and awareness play a huge role in your daily activity.  If they are centered and mindful, then nothing can disturb your equilibrium.  If you are not mindful then errors in judgment can cause problems.

Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical.  This month just be that, grounded and practical.  Try to avoid impulsive activity.  Think twice before you act.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month starts well but by the last two weeks you need to be careful.  The Sun and Venus will all be well aspected to your sign in the first week.  It is the summer and so enjoy what August has to offer.  In the second two weeks though slow down.  The reason is the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will all be square to Gemini.  That does not mean the end of the world but being mindful of your intentions would be a skillful decision.  You will be vulnerable to impulsive actions, so think twice before you open your mouth.

Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet.  This month use your communication skills to say the right thing at the right time.  Friends and sangha members support you if you remember to communicate well.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
This month you have great aspects for emotional confidence.  The reason is Pluto in Cancer is well aspected by Mercury, Venus and finally the Moon.  Therefore, do practices like Guru Yoga and meditations that work with positive feelings like love and compassion.  It is the summer time, enjoy the weather and be a bodhisattva that benefits all.

Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings.  This month be mindful and practice in each moment.  That is life in the Buddha Dharma.  You are in a good mood, so be mindfully compassionate.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month is the birthday month.  Send gifts to your parents, they deserve them.  The ritual of birthdays is all backwards.  Our existence is due to the support from our parents and all those before them.  Without parents we don’t have a rebirth.  So show your respect and appreciation.  Even if your parents are not nice, they still can receive a thank you.  This month the Sun is in your sign giving you a lot of prestige.  There are useful aspects for doing things in the first week with the Sun and Venus supporting you.  In the last three weeks it is good for general spiritual practice.  There are no strong aspects and so just maintain your daily meditations.

Leo Buddhists like to be motivators.  This month starts with you having lots of energy to express yourself, so be mindful of what you say.  You will inspire the people you talk to, so inspire them skillfully.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

This month is the birthday month.  Send gifts to your parents, they deserve them.  The ritual of birthdays is all backwards.  Our existence is due to the support from our parents and all those before them.  Without parents we don’t have a rebirth.  So show your respect and appreciation.  Even if your parents are not nice, they still can receive a thank you.  This month you have Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in your sign for the full month it blessing your intelligence and enthusiasm.  Therefore, you have a huge amount of intellectual energy.  Slow down, breath peace into each moment and you will do fine.  If you are busy, be mindfully busy.  It is a good month, just don’t run ahead of yourself.

Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner.  This month slow down or you will feel very unsettled and busy without a focus.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month you are free of any direct influences in Libra.  What will stimulate you is an opposition to Uranus with supportive aspects from the Sun.  This means you have the wind in your sails and feel empowered.   Just be mindful of actions done too quickly.  They could overwhelm those around you.  You are like a big vehicle moving quickly down a four lane highway.  There is a lot of power in and around you.

Libra Buddhists keep life in balance.  This month motivate properly and all will unfold perfectly.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This month you may find yourself a little frustrated as the month starts.  That is the main point with “Buddhist Astrology.”  Your mindfulness and awareness play a huge role in your daily activity.  If your mindfulness, wisdom and compassion are central, then nothing can disturb your equilibrium.  If you are not mindful then errors in judgment can cause problems.  The reason for this is the Sun is running square to Scorpio for three weeks.  It is not the end of the world but you do have to be careful of being too sensitive about errors in your actions.

Scorpio Buddhists are passionate.  This month do what I suggest above.  There is not much else one can suggest.  Samsara is samsara and unless you collect a mountain of good karma you will have ups and downs occasionally.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month starts with lots of energy.  The Sun, Saturn, Uranus and Mars will all be well aspected to your sign.  So all your plans have huge support for success. Be a little careful of over reacting to obstacles.   You have high octane gas in your system this month and you may wish to go a little faster than is skillful.  Slow down and do things carefully and you will be very successful.

Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals.  This month be full of good energy so share it with the world around you.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Feelings are important as Pluto is in your sign for ages to come.  This month Pluto sits well aspected to three other planets and so there is a lot of deeply felt energy in you.  I always like to emphasize that your awareness and wisdom play the main role in your success and happiness.  So this month exercise your wisdom and compassion.  In each action realize that many factors of influence help create that moment.  Therefore, if you live and express your wisdom and compassion you are bringing the best you can offer to everything you do.  This helps things unfold perfectly.

Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions.  This time take three deep and comfortable breaths before you make a decision.  Decisions will never be difficult if you center yourself first.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
This month the Sun will run opposite Aquarius for three weeks.  That means a lot of energy to distract you.  Astrology is only an influence and it gives more impact if you lack mindfulness.  The Sun being opposite means you are vulnerable to distractions.  Things at a distance seem more attractive than the situation you are currently in.  So don’t think the grass is greener on the other side of the hill.  It is just fine where you are.  Relax and enjoy the summer, don’t fantasize other possibilities.

Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings.  This month relax and enjoy the immediate situation.  It is a good time to enjoy what life has to offer you in the here and now.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
This month Neptune is energized by Venus, Mercury and finally the Sun.  Uranus adds to this experience in a positive manner and so you will be visionary and imaginative during the whole month.  Slow down and checkup periodically what your body, speech and mind are doing.  This is because Uranus is spontaneously energizing you to feel very liberated.  That is a good influence as long as you manage the stimulation well.

Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective.  This month energy is good but also a little overwhelming if you are not mindful, so use it skillfully.