2015 and Previous Years,  Astrology Charts

August 2015

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month is not so quiet. Uranus in running retrograde in Aries and squire to Mars in the first week of August. I would recommend being mindful of the causes of anger. Reason being the Uranus square could cause you to lash out suddenly because of anger. Mindfulness is a wonderful resource to protect you from reacting negatively to whatever stimulation you meet. In this case you are a little more sensitive to aggression. After the 10th of August you are in a much better mood, in fact excited about life with Uranus well aspected to the Sun, Venus and Mercury.
Aries Buddhists love to be motivators. This month motivate to be mindful with good will. The more you study Bodhicitta, the wish to benefit all universal sentient beings, the better quality of motive will arise within your heart and mind.
TAURUS (April 20 May 20)
This month is good to be reflective of your motivation. The Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are square to your sign. So go slowly and be thoughtful about the meaning of life. You may find yourself seeking happiness but it appears in all the wrong places. A square can stimulate you to be out of sorts and dissatisfied. Go slowly and be of good cheer. That is the internal motive to generate.
Taurus Buddhists love to be grounded and practical. This month know that your ideas may be causing you distraction. Keep awareness and wisdom to the forefront and all will go well.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This month nothing is in Gemini and so the influences for you are subtle. You have the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and then Mercury supporting you from Leo. Mars will enter this influence in the last two weeks of August. Basically do as you wish and be friendly. That helps all activities be successful.
Gemini Buddhists are quick on their intellectual feet. You feel ok about what you wish to do and things seem to unfold without too much difficulty. So be happy and a nice person.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
The party from last month is over and you are coasting on the energy of Mars in the first week of August. This planet gives you enthusiasm and power and so basically do whatever seems appealing and always motivate with a good heart. Be a little careful of impulsive actions as Uranus squares Mars in that first week. You could be prone to frustration. Therefore slow down and don’t have many agendas that require intensity. It’s the summer, relax.
Cancer Buddhists normally work with feelings. This month you are more into doing something. Therefore be mindful of the direction you are motivated to move in. Clarify your motive and things will work a lot better for you.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
This month personality is strong as it is your birthday with the Sun in Leo together with Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Be careful though as you may end up daydreaming a lot. The full month the Sun and Mercury will be stimulating you. That is a big stimulation to personality and communication skills. This can mean intellectual daydreams abound. Therefore be full of inspiration but let go of expectations and keep yourself centered. It is a good month to meditate.
Leo Buddhists like to be motivators. This birthday month has contemplative meditations benefiting you. The first 3 weeks are excellent for meditations that clarify the meaning of your life and activities. Focus on what is important but know there is a flux and flow of life. That way you stay relaxed and happy!
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This month enjoy a good intellectual time as Mercury is well positioned Neptune. Of course it is also your birthday month if you were born in August. Give a present to your parents instead of expecting presents from them. They gave you a body and the opportunities you have, so thank them. Your dream life will increase a lot in the last week plus your altruism. This is because of an aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. Meditation on benefiting all and you may feel great inspiration.
Virgo Buddhists do things in an orderly manner. This month slow down your pursuit of happiness. You might consider trying to discover the secret to life but I recommend you just relax and let things unfold as they will. Happiness is subjective and depends on your point of view.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This month be mindful of your activities. In the first weeks you have supportive aspects from the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus. That means power and flexibility. In the first week be patient though. Uranus will be opposite your sign with a squared to Mars. This can mean you rush after desires with exaggerated expectations. Be mindful of what you start to desire. You might end up with something you totally did not expect. This only stimulates you in the first week though, after that you are going smoothly.
Libra Buddhists keep life in balance. Balance means a centered being who can work with situations skillfully. An enlightened person is the best of all balancers. They balance their interactions with others between the extremes of sensuality and peacefulness. Some beings need a little more sensuality and some need more peacefulness. You can be the one who helps them find the balance.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
The bliss of the past has moved on and this month is good to slow down and be aware of your motivation. Basically be mindful and do meditations that suit your needs. Contemplative meditations to clarify the meaning of life or calming meditations for peace. You have squares between Saturn in Scorpio and the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all in Leo. It is not the end of the world but you do have to be mindful of decisions you make. Go slowly and you will be successful.
Scorpio Buddhists are passionate. Your passion is always present but this month it is good to think about our passions and desires and put them in order. Slow down and enjoy the pleasant summer months.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
This month have fun. In the whole month you have supportive aspects from the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Uranus. That means power, intelligence, joy and flexibility. In the last week be patient. Jupiter will square Sagittarius and be opposite Neptune. This can mean you rush after desires with exaggerated expectations. Be mindful of what you start to desire. You might end up with something you totally did not expect.
Sagittarius Buddhists are inspired individuals. Meditate on Bodhicitta. This month inspiration comes from feelings of self-confidence. Be aware of your feelings and don’t think that a vision is just image related. Feelings are visionary too.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
The only thing to do this month is meditate. It is a good month to sit down and be contemplative about the meaning of your life. Contemplation clarifies the direction you want to move in and generates self-confidence. The reason is you have Pluto in Capricorn with no complicating aspects. Pluto is a good influence for meditations of Guru Yoga and devotion to the path. Your deep feelings help you focus.
Capricorn Buddhists reflect and contemplate on decisions. A time of deep wisdom is here so enter into this month by developing a thoughtful attitude.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
The month is full of ideas and energy. You have the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury running opposite to your Sun sign. These planets stimulate ideas and the desire to go somewhere and do something. There is a wish to understand things you normally don’t comprehend. It is a powerful month to contemplate in a structured manner though. If you just let your mind wander you will waste the blessings that are available.
Aquarius Buddhists are sociable beings. This month you have a great opportunity to meditate on the profound nature of reality. Meditate for the first 10 days of the month. You well feel wonderful and inspired. That will carry you thought the rest of the month where you can contemplate deeply on the meaning of your life.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
The end of this month you have visions with Jupiter energizing your mind. The intuitive feelings from Neptune in Pisces is strong as Jupiter runs supportively aspected in the last ten days of August. Therefore buckle your seatbelt and get ready for some nice inspiring dreams and visions. Dreams merely indicate what type of attitude you have, so have a Bodhicitta attitude and your dreams will be with your Gurus.
Pisces Buddhists are sensitive and introspective. Sensitivity is a two way street. You are sensitive to incoming energy but you are also a broadcasting station of energy to others. This month you have a large volume of energy in your mind, so make sure your circuit breakers are well seated send out good messages to all!